pregnancy hemorrhoids

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Results 31-40 from 151 articles

Hemorrhoid Question... Yuck!

P.M. asks from Denver

I had a baby about 6 months ago and I unfortunately, like many women, developed hemorrhoids after birth. After a few months, they seemed to go away, but now I've felt...


Sorry - TMI - Experiences with Tucks Pads?

S.C. asks from Kansas City

Hi ladies, hoping someone can let me know what to expect. With this pregnancy (I'm 24 weeks) I have had terrible constipation and hemorrhoids from day 1- in fact that...


Pregnant and Have a Thrombosed Hemorrhoid--Help!

B.T. asks from Chicago

Hi ladies- I am 23 weeks pregnant and have an internal hemorrhoid that has prolapsed (come out) and is thrombosed (swollen blood clot). I have seen my ob/gyn who the...


Hemorrhoid Advice

B.K. asks from Binghamton

Hi Moms! This is so embarrassing, but does anyone have any advice for hemorrhoids that would work ASAP? I am 38 weeks pregnant, and had major problems with my fir...


Going to the Bathroom Post Pregnancy

K.B. asks from Atlanta

My little girl is 5 weeks old an I have recenty found it so hard to go to the bathroom! When I went it was a lot of blood in the toilet I guess from straining! What c...


Hemorrhoid Advice

W.R. asks from Norfolk

Help! I have never had hemorrhoids before (not even sure how to spell it) and I didn't realize how awful it is. I thought it was like mosquito bites or something si...


Pelvic Floor After 3?

J.V. asks from Chicago

I keep going back and forth about having another baby. On some days, I am content with just getting a dog, on others, I fear never hearing the noises a baby makes aga...


3 Different Medical Questions

C.S. asks from Phoenix

I have 3 things I have been wanting to ask mamasource moms 1. anybody else experiencing orgasmic trouble on antidepressants found a way to overcome with either via...


Scared to Have Another Baby but Want One Desperately!

M.H. asks from Las Vegas

Hey Moms, I am sitting on the fence about having another baby and would love some advice! I have three children already: a 6 year old girl, a 3.5 year old girl, a...


Hemorrhoid HELP!!!!

S.R. asks from San Francisco

I'm currently pregnant with my second at 37.5 weeks. After the birth of my first I had some pretty nasty hemorrhoids. After time they became smaller and were no longe...

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Answer Highlights

  • eat a high fiber diet in 2 answers "Avoid constipation, eat a high fiber diet, try stool softners"
  • aloe vera juice in 2 answers "While supplements and natural remedy's work for many people - Aloe Vera juice doesn't ..."
  • try witch hazel in 2 answers "You can also try witch hazel."
  • witch hazel in 2 answers "I bought a bottle of witch hazel and some cotton balls and would SOAK them with witch ..."
  • sitz baths in 2 answers "I was told to take lots of hot sitz baths 5+ a day.. which worked amazingly well ..."