pregnancy 17 week

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Weight Gain During Pregnancy

J.H. asks from Detroit

I have a friend who is expecting her first child in October. She is around 18-19 weeks pregnant. She visited her OB recently and the doctor she saw said she was "ex...


Rh Negative, First Pregnancy

R.L. asks from Roanoke

My doctor told me today that I'm Rh negative (A-). This is my first pregnancy, and I'm about 11 weeks, so there's not a whole lot to worry about just yet, but my OB ...


Weening My 17 Month Old Daughter from Co-sleeping and Breast Feeding.

J.L. asks from Portland

I have a beautiful 17 month old little girl that is the sparkle of my eye. I love her very much and I am so glad that I decided to breast feed her. It has been an ama...


Seeking Women Who Have Had an Ectopic Pregnancy

M.I. asks from Lexington

I'm 29 years old and recently suffered the loss of my 8 week old pregancy to an ectopic pregnancy. It has been a hard time for me both physically and mentally. I wa...


Spotting in Early Pregnancy

N.K. asks from Albuquerque

I am about 6 weeks pregnant and had a tiny bit of spotting yesterday - dark brown when I wiped with a tissue. It happened in the morning - about 3-4 times going to t...


Loosing Pregnancy Weight While Breastfeeding

E.L. asks from San Francisco

Hello moms, I gave birth to two beautiful sons in June'07. During the pregnancy, I gained about 35 pounds, which is considered healthy, and was under the assumption ...


Weight Gain in 2Nd Pregnancy

L.P. asks from Pittsburgh

HI, I am JUST 2 months pregnant with my 2nd child. I am 40 years old. I just returned from my OB/GYN, where I learned that I had gained 15 shocking pounds! Please ...


Hair Dye During Pregnancy

J.H. asks from Houston

I am about 7 weeks pregnant and am interested if anyone dyed their hair during pregnancy. I have done a little research and it seems the information is fairly vague....


17 Month Old and 2Nd Child Due SOON!

B.H. asks from Dallas

I am looking for a little advice when dealing with siblings that are close in age. I am not planning on moving my oldest son to his big boy room yet. I think he's...


Second Pregnancy Questions

P.C. asks from Fort Wayne

I'm pregnant with my second child, and I'm only 6 weeks along. I'm starting to get sick and fatigued. (I lost 8 pounds in my first pregnancy because of sickness). I s...

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