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M.C. asks from Raleigh

Hi Everyone! This is sort of a tough question, but here is my problem. I never attended church regularly as a child. I met my wonderful husband on e-harmony in lat...


Asking for Your Prayers

G.W. asks from Dallas

Dear Ladies, I have been a member on this site for quite a long time and have tried to help out and encourage whenever I though I could. I feel like in some ways, I ...


Advice to Help My Husband and I

M.S. asks from Boise

Hi there...I need some advice to pretty much save my marriage. I have a wonderful husband who has given me the opportunity to stay home with my two boys (22 months an...


Explaining Death to a Three Year Old

B.H. asks from Denver

My son just turned three and we are faced with the decision on how to explain that his great grandmother will be passing away very soon. He has been very close to he...


Tired of Feeling Needed?!

K.H. asks from Bellingham

Does anybody else out here get tired of being "needed"? The kids need me constantly and I understand, that's what kids do but it seems like everybody needs me. No one...


"Crazy" Circumstances

J.D. asks from Houston

O.K. ladies I know that some of you including my wife believe that a man is not allowed to post on this board but I have been a stay at home dad for the last year and...

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