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Six Year with Recurrent Pneumonia

C.A. asks from Bangor

Hi my son just finished kindergarten and in feb he developed pneumonia, went on antibiotics and he has been on 4 rounds of antibiotics since because it hasn't fully ...


Repeat Pneumonia in 16Mo. Old

L. asks from Minneapolis

My 16mo. old daughter came down with pneumonia a month ago to our great surprise. It started as what seemsed like a normal cold and turned into a horrible cough and l...


16 Month Old with Pneumonia

M.P. asks from Los Angeles

Hi,I have a 16 month old son who was just diagnosed with a small case of pneumonia in one lung. He was given the albuterol machine(compressor) to take home and I have...


My Daughter Has Walking Pneumonia

D.B. asks from Knoxville

My daughter, Haley, is four years old and we had to take her to the hospital a couple days ago, the doctor says she hasd walking pneumonia. Well, her fever is gone, b...


3 Yr Old with Pneumonia

T.C. asks from New York

Hi Mamas, We are now going on day 5 of my son having this yucky respiratory virus/ turned pneumonia. He started antibiotics on Wednesday, and his pediatrician also ...


Chronic Bronchitis and Pneumonia in My 4 Yr. Old

S.P. asks from Stockton

My 4 yr. old son is on antibiotics once a month for bronchitis and once in a while mild pneumonia. He's been allergy tested and asthma tested but nothing showed up. H...


4 Yr Old with Multiple Cases of Pneumonia

M.B. asks from Pensacola

Hi, My son has had 6 cases of pneumonia in the last year. He's had cases of pneumonia since he was 11 months old. He did not start going to daycare until he was 2 1/2...


Friend Coming for Visit Exposed to Pneumonia

J.F. asks from San Francisco

A friend of mine is supposed to come visit me and my 15 month old daughter in a week. She has just told me that her boyfriend has pneumonia. I expressed that she may ...


Pneumonia, Chickenpox, Fever/cough, Etc.! Are We the Only Ones???

T.L. asks from Los Angeles

So this has literally been the worst month ever healthwise in our family. And I am wondering are we the only ones here that have been going through this wackyness???...


Seeking Advise for 3 Month Old That Had Pneumonia.

E.A. asks from Honolulu

My son is 3 months old and got admitted to the hospital for his constant coughing. To find out, he was diagnosed w/ pneumonia. We were in the hospital for 5 days. D...

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Answer Highlights

  • vicks vapor rub in 2 answers "... a cough for the last few days so I tried it and it worked. Take Vicks Vapor Rub ..."
  • post nasal drip in 2 answers "Sinus or post-nasal drip? Those might be contributing."
  • vicks salve in 2 answers "I just got an e-mail this week about Vicks Salve rubbed on the bottom of the feet ..."
  • collapsed lung in 2 answers "... they said that she didn't have pneumonia, but she had a partially collapsed lung ..."
  • neb treatments in 2 answers "So we did the neb treatments, watched her carefully etc (our also started in the Fall ..."