planned c section

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Anyone Have Any past Experience with Placenta Previa?

My Sister in Law did not have to go on bed rest, and also had a healthy baby girl at 39 weeks via planned C section. So, of the two people I know who had it ...

How Many Weeks Were You Pregnant When Your Doctor Talked to You About La Maz...

Jul 7, 2009 ... I had a scheduled C-section with my first, and my water broke 3 weeks early. I went to the hospital, and since it was already planned, ...

Advice About Tubal ligation.....Roper Downtown as Compared to Roper St Francis

I had a tubal ligation with my 3rd child who was a planned csection I decided it was simpler as part of one surgery than to have my husband have a separate ...


However, a year later we had identical twin girls delivered by planned c-section . Helpful? Yes | No Save This Remove This Report This Share ...

To Tubal Ligation or to Not?

If planned ahead of delivery with your Ob/Gyn it can be schedualed for the same or next day depending on when you deliver or if you have a C section it can ...


Read all 12 responses: "Is it true that if you have a c-section for your first ... care of the older child much easier because you had a planned delivery. ...

Late Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes at 36 Weeks

Aug 6, 2009 ... This is my third child, first 2 vaginal deliveries, not I have to have a planned c-section becuase of possible shoulder displaysia. ...

Ob-Gyn -- Solo Practice vs Group Practice?

Oct 5, 2009 ... The birth often does not go as planned It's good to have a plan but .... both out of Good Shepherd in Barrington I had a planned Csection ...

Naperville Midwife

Sep 30, 2009 ... I don't have any info about delivering with her because I ended up with a emergency c-section with my first and a planned c-section with my ...

Transverse Baby at 32 Weeks

My daughter was a planned c section - very relaxed and all done in 20 mins from incision to sewn up and ready to go to my room (by the way the second time ...
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