phd degree

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J.J. asks from St. Louis

I am at a loss on what I should do. I have almost 60 college credit hours and no degree, just a certificate. Im taking three classes now and getting burnt out already...


Pulling Sick 9Th Grader Out of TX High School to Homeschool Mid-semester

M.S. asks from Dallas

My 9th grade son has many medical issues, and his pain has helped put him back into a major depression. The demands of high school and all the absences and makeup wo...


Guiding Kids in Their College Majors

J.W. asks from Kansas City

Our (extended) family has been having many conversations about life post college particularly one's earning potential. My question is for those of you entered colleg...


What Was Your Major or Career?

M.L. asks from Houston

I am 3 classes from getting my associates degree in general studies. Then, I will have to declare a major when I apply to a university. I know what I don't want to do...


Really Really REALLY Regretting Getting MBA...

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, this is both to vent and to ask advice. I got my MBA last year but unexpectedly got pregnant in my last year. I had the baby a month after graduation and s...


Should I Go Back to School?

E.V. asks from Phoenix

Hello Mamas! I am 28 years old with 3 kids ages 8, 4 and 2 and I am considering going back to school for nursing. Currently my husband and I are working fulltime, and...


Custody Issue with Out of Country Mother

L.S. asks from Toledo

I have two adorable nephews that are currently living here in the States with their father (who is actually my cousin, but was raised as my brother, thats another lon...


Should I Expect My Husband to Move So I Can Better Myself?

A.K. asks from Dallas

I have asked a similar question before. But i want to ask all you astute guys another! I moved over from the UK almost 5 years ago. My husband is from texas and he h...


A Career in Human Resources

N.W. asks from Eugene

Hi Mamas, I've been meeting with a career counselor, trying to get back to work after a long time at home with my kids. We did a skills assessment and one of the to...


Going Back to College After 30 and with Kids?

A.H. asks from Salt Lake City

My husband went to college years ago, got an accounting degree ( no cpa) then went to get a master in business management, but did not finish due to job relocation to...

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Answer Highlights

  • degree in human resources in 2 answers "The other friend has an undergraduate degree in Human Resources and a Masters in Business ..."
  • wouldnt have to quit his job in 2 answers "It might take him longer, but he wouldn't have to quit his job."
  • getting your mba in 4 answers "... up in a way that screws women, especially women with children. Getting your MBA ..."
  • use your mba in 3 answers "If you can think of a creative way to use your MBA (maybe home business or combine ..."
  • student loans to pay in 2 answers "Yes, it sucks to have student loans to pay back."