pet supplies dogs

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Results 21-30 from 188 articles

Looking for a CAT Groomer

N.B. asks from Dallas

My cat needs to be groomed, and I do not want to take him to the typical groomer who sees mostly dogs. Does anyone know of a groomer who specializes in cats?


How Do I Talk to My Friend About Bothersome Situation?

A.S. asks from Dallas

I am pet sitting two rats in my house for a friend who went out of town with her family for New Years. When the arrangement was made I was told that the rats would b...


Grandpa Bought DD Mice for a B-day Present!!!

N.O. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, Looking for some advice here. My father in law came into town recently and brought my DD 3 pet mice from Petco for her b-day present. They are cute but I ...


To Own a Ferret or to Not Own a Ferret

R.V. asks from Tulsa

My 10 year old son wants a pet. I have a 2 year old daughter and a 17 year old son as well. The plus side, we already own a lot of baby gates. But can a ferret cli...


Welcome Puppy??

E.A. asks from Los Angeles

Ladies, If you are a dog owner I would like to know the "truth" about having a pet... We only have had fish & I never thought about becoming a dog owner, however t...


Anti-barking Devices

J.K. asks from Detroit

Does anyone have any suggestions for a humane anti-barking collar or device? I would like to use it to train our pet who has turned out to be a bit of an annoyance t...


Just for Fun: First Pets

S.T. asks from Provo

I had a dog went my husband and I got married so that has kind of been our daughters first pet. She is almost two and does great with all animals. She helps feed, wal...


What Is the Best Solution for Getting Urine Smell Out of Carpet??

R.R. asks from Dallas

I have a dog! My dog has urinated several times in our playroom (usually in the same spots) It has gotten to the point now where no matter what I do, the carpet and t...


Looking for Kitten or Small Puppy for Christmas

N.F. asks from Dallas

I have a dog and my 4 year old boy wants his puppy/kitty - doesn't care which, just wants a pet to love (my dog is ok with kids but a little growly if they lay on or ...


Shampoo for Dog

J.L. asks from Dallas

Can someone recommend a shampoo for a dog with itchy skin? I've used an "oatmeal" kind from the pet store but it just makes my dog's skin itch even more. We've spen...

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