pet product

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Results 81-90 from 1,424 articles

Disinfectants for Soft Surfaces

B.S. asks from Shreveport

I was just wondering if anyone knew of a good product to disinfect soft surfaces such as matresses and carpets. My son has frequent accidents on the floor and on the ...


Dog Messing in Yard

M.G. asks from Atlanta

Hi Ladies: I need your help. We have a problem with a dog using our pine straw island in our yard for his toilet. Don't know who the dog is because I've never seen...


Cat Allergies

J.R. asks from Washington DC

We have two cats which my 4 year old seems to be developing some allergies to. Does anyone know if there is any products out there that can relieve mu daughter of he...


Toddler Hair Detangler

J.L. asks from Detroit

Hi Ladies. I'm looking for a good childrens hair detangler. Right now I am using the Suave. It does not work that well for us, I can drench her hair in it and I st...


Tick Problem

K.S. asks from Houston

My dog has ticks and I have kept him in the house and he still some how keeps getting ticks. I use Frontline on him and that just doesn't seem to be enough to do the ...


Need Help Finding Products for Clothes Stains That Actually Work

C.C. asks from Salt Lake City

I am exhausted to tears from scrubbing laundry. HELP!!! What products can I use so I don't have to waste more time scrubbing and scrubbing and washing and then some o...


Health Issues with Bulldog

D.P. asks from San Francisco

hi there my name is D. and i have a english bulldog name benny and i was wondering is there anyone out there experenceing what my bullie is going thru he seam to ha...


Omg the Bugs!!!

R.. asks from Chattanooga

What do you use to repel bugs (in general...) that is safe to use around pets and babies??? It seems like tonight they are out in full force. Especially a bunch of ca...


Words of Advice for Possibly a New Cat Owner

B.S. asks from Lansing

Ok, so I think my husband and I might actually cave and get a kitten for our girls. We have not owned a pet. (Although, my husband had a pet dog as a young child) ...


Monthly Cost of Groceries Comparison

S.W. asks from Phoenix

I'm trying to find a way to cut back on expenses. One of our biggest monthly expenses is our grocery bill. We shop at Target weekly and a Sam's Club every other wee...

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