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Results 51-60 from 398 articles

Allergies or Is It

A.S. asks from Albany

For the last few day my DD has had this weird cough, then a runny nose and now some white stuff coming out of her one eye. So we go to the doctors, she said it was al...



M.H. asks from Kansas City

My 4 month old son has rotavirus. The Dr. said to make sure to keep him hydrated, but that's all there is to do. Is this truly the case, or has anyone figured anyth...


Having Trouble with My Daughters Eating Habits

N.A. asks from Augusta

I have a problem with my 16 month old eating right.She is very picky the only thing she wants to eat is nuggets and pasta.I have tried giving her fruit and cheese and...


Nutrition After Switching to Milk

K.R. asks from Lafayette

My son just turned one and we have switched him from formula to whole milk. I want to make sure he's getting all the nutrition he needs since he's not on formula any...


How Mamapedia Helps?

Y.Y. asks from New York

i think we need to read the guidelines all over again for us to avoid getting mad when our posts are deleted. if we have questions we should be sending an email inste...


6 Year Old Getting Her Ears Pierced

K.B. asks from Houston

Hello Moms- My husband and I have relented and are going to take our 6 year old daughter to get her ears pierced for her kindergarten graduation present. I had my...


How to Sneak More Fiber into 3Yo's Diet?

A.S. asks from Indianapolis

I need some simple ideas to get my 3yo to eat more fiber. He has been complaining about his bottom hurting when he goes to the bathroom and I know he's not getting en...


Poor Constipated Toddler

K.W. asks from Denver

My little girl has been having rabbits running in her diaper lately and I would say is pretty constipated. I'm pretty sure its my fault - with only four teeth its ea...


My Daughter Wont Drink Milk

R.P. asks from Tampa

Hi moms. I have a beautiful 2 year old little girl. Ever since she got off of the bottle at 1 years old, she wont drink milk! I have tried everything! Flavored milk, ...


Possible TMI - 5.5 Year Old Mini-poops

P.G. asks from Dallas

So a couple weeks ago my son had some bad gas pains. They resolved pretty quickly, and he hasn't complained of anything since. He's eating well, eats peas or broccoli...

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Answer Highlights

  • fiber one bars in 2 answers "... know if your son likes granola bars but my 4yr old son loves fiber one bars."
  • wanted pierced ears in 2 answers "... telling her she didn't have to do it, but she insisted she wanted pierced ears ..."
  • granola bars in 4 answers "Hey, I don't know if your son likes granola bars but my 4yr old son loves fiber ..."
  • deceptively delicious in 2 answers "... by Jessica Seinfeld, she was Oprah and has a book, it is "Deceptively Delicious ..."
  • flax seed in 2 answers "Try Activia yogurt, and sprinkle ground flax seed in her food, it is easy to disquise ..."