pain killers

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Results 81-90 from 683 articles

Starting Period Again After over 2 Years...

C.C. asks from Eugene

I have an 18 month old that I recently weaned from nursing. So since I was not nursing I got back onto my old birth control pills instead of the POP pills I was taki...


Severe Headaches and Migraines

A.W. asks from Cleveland

Hello!! I am 12 weeks pregnant with my second child and I am having just horrible migraines and when I do not have an actual migraine I have bad headaches. I never ha...


Need Advice

M.3. asks from Reading

Good Morning Mamas - Hope all of you had a nice Easter. I need some advice - not sure what to do. I will be married 11 years this Friday - April 29th. I love my...


Is This Possible? If So What Is It Called?

C.H. asks from Buffalo

Is it possible for someone to not feel some sorts pain? Or to ignore pain? Almost to the point of liking pain? what would this be called? Can different people has di...


Teaching Child How to Swallow Pills - All Ideas Needed

J.N. asks from San Francisco

Any ideas appreciated! My 10 year old needs to learn. She won't even take liquid or chewable medicines. Luckily she NEVER (!!!) has HAD to take any. She'd rather ...


Mystery Diagnosis

S.J. asks from Tampa

hi everyone, i have joint pain since childhood ( 4 years old). i usually have pain in my knee and elbow joint, my hands( the bones), and the muscles on my legs. th...


Very Tmi - Yeast Infection

C.Z. asks from Omaha

Are there any natural remedies to cure this? The antibiotics really mess with my system so I want another way to fix this. I am very sensative down there so to get th...


Removal of an Ovary During Pregnancy.

Z.G. asks from Rochester

My friend is 3 months pregnant, and all of a sudden she had pain around the appendix area. the pain started getting unbearable for her, so she went to see a doctor an...


Ear Infection Advice

M.L. asks from Cincinnati

My almost 4 year old daughter has suffered from ear infections since I can remember. It's been the same routine with each event... antibiotics and pain killers. J...


Flexeril While Pregnant

J.S. asks from Tampa

Hey Mamas... My OB prescribed Flexeril for my back/hip pain (casued by scoliosis) last week. I'm only taking it at night so I can sleep, then tylenol during the da...

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