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Effexor XR in Pregnancy and Withdrawl Symptoms

... to be healthy for my son than for me to not take the drugs just in case and ... severely I started researching online about the drug Scareyinformation ...

What Is Safe to Give for a Cold?

Aug 30, 2009 ... drugs using cool compresses Google it to see how it's done .... can get them online or in any drug store before cold season and I was ...

5 Months Pregnant with a Sore Throat

It sounds (and looks) weird, but it cleans it out and you don't have to take drugs (90% of the time). I got mine online because the local stores hadn't ...

Stabbing Pain After Breastfeeding

My husband went online and found it at a drug store in Brooklyn- the brand is Humco. I figured if it wasn't yeast, the worst that could happen was that I'd ...

Looking for Website That Sells Phentermine

Try a Canada online drugstore. Just google the name of the drug and check out all of the websites. You may come across one. Helpful? ...

8 Year Old with Anxiety About Flying

Pack a backpack with activities, the DVD player, drugs, and above all DO NOT ... She got coloring pages, found things online about disney,got a bunch of ...

Anyone Use 17 OH Progesterone Caproate Weekly Injections to Stop Preterm Labor?

I did some research online and found it is not FDA approved and that the ... I never had to use that drug but it seems that your research findings are ...

Unusual Legs Cramps

I know that she can't take alot of drugs to help with it. Does anyone know anything or have any suggestions ...... dead sea salt · online prescription drugs ...

My 10 Year Old Boy Curious About Sex Already!!

... and that is why he went online to see what they were talking about ..... We talk to our son about sex drugs cursing stealing lying online predators and ...

Safe Anti-anxiety Medication While Breastfeeding?

Do a bit of research online for "homeopathy and anxiety". ..... Prescription drugs have a rating scale that shows their level of safety, so it will be easy ...
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Answer Highlights

  • gargle with warm salt water in 3 answers "The best thing is to gargle with warm salt water(1 tsp."
  • cepacol lozenges in 3 answers "i love extra strength super numbing cepacol lozenges."
  • gargle with salt water in 2 answers "... Throat or couch drops are usually fine, you can also gargle with salt water ..."
  • saline nasal spray in 2 answers "so to answer your question saline nasal spray is good to use if your son has a stuffy ..."
  • hot tea with honey in 3 answers "Or drink hot tea with honey......or can a pregant mom have honey?"