one year old throwing up

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Traveling with a One Year Old

H.K. asks from Seattle

i am planning a trip to disneyland in May and want some advice on how to keep a one year old occupied and I am worried about the ear thing.


11 Month Old Throwing Fits Already!

M.R. asks from Los Angeles

When we tell my 11 month old; ''NO'' when he's touching something he's not supposed to, he's throwing himself back and arching his back and scooting backwards in this...


12 Month Old Throwing Temper Tantrums

M.C. asks from Savannah

My son is going to be a year old in one week. For the last few weeks he's been throwing temper tantrums constantly. He was such a happy baby, now he crys all day lo...


20 Month Old Throwing Things

A.L. asks from Philadelphia

so my 20 month old daughter is always throwing things, and I'm trying to teach her that it's not ok to throw things at the tv, at people, to throw food, a sippy cup, ...


1 Y/o Old Throwing Food

M.R. asks from Seattle

recently alexis has started throwing her food on the floor during meal times. just this morning i gave her half of a waffle, and about 1/2 of it ended up on the floor...


15 Month Old Won't Stop Throwing His Food

A.K. asks from Portland

Hey Mamas, My 15 month old son has been throwing food now for several months. I feel like I have tried everything to get him to stop- ignoring it, taking him out o...


Spanking a One Year Old

K.M. asks from Chicago

Ok so before I go to bed I have to get some advice on something that I'm battling. So my one year old was a pure angel for his first year. He didn't fuss when we w...


14 Month Old - Not Talking, Throwing Tantrums

N.S. asks from Albany

I have a 14 month old son, who is not yet talking. He starting to point to things, and really observe, and can get his point across without talking (he does say mama...


1 Year Old Throwing Up

J.H. asks from Los Angeles

We just had our one year old at the doctor on Thursday. Everything was fine but now (Saturday Morning)she threw up three times, the last time was projectile all over ...


9 Month Old Throwing Tantrums

J.C. asks from Houston

Im not sure if this is normal but sometimes when my 9 month old son does not get what he wants(certain things like his dads xbox, foods that we are eating that he can...

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