on thumbsucking

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Results 41-50 from 413 articles


M.D. asks from Atlanta

Hi Moms! Does anyone out there have any suggestions on how to get my 4 year to stop sucking her thumb? She has this habit whenever she gets tired or is about to go...



D.L. asks from Columbus

Any advice on how to stop a thumbsucker? My 4.75 year old son doesn't want to stop yet and it seems like it's starting to affect his teeth. I know when he goes in f...



R.J. asks from New York

Hi Moms, My 3.5 year old is still sucking his thumb. We have tried all sorts of things to get him to stop. He always sucks his thumb when sleeping and often when bor...



A.S. asks from San Diego

Are there any effective ways to help a 6 1/2 year old girl stop sucking her thumb. She sucks her thumb and rubs her belly button when she is relaxing (usually while w...


7-Month-old Thumbsucking

R.B. asks from Los Angeles

I have no idea if this is a ridiculous question, but I thought I would ask all you mommies before worrying too much - please excuse my first time mommy's naivete. I ...


7 Year Old Wants to Stop Thumbsucking

S.R. asks from San Francisco

My almost 7 year old daughter wants to stop sucking her thumb because she's afraid her classmates will find out that she still does this and she's afraid she'll get t...


Need Advice on Thumb-sucking

J.A. asks from Stockton

My 15 month old daughter is thumb-sucker and I'm not sure what to do! My Parent educator says to let her do it, research now shows it is not harmful and will not dam...


Advice on How to Stop Thumb-sucking

E.G. asks from Wichita

I have a soon to be 4 year old who still faithfully sucks her thumb. Her dentist has told me I have to make her stop, but I am not sure where to even start. Just lo...


Thumbsucking! Almost 3 Yr Old Daughter

D.B. asks from Phoenix

Help! My little sweetie Abby is an avid thumbsucker & associates it with rubbing a silky tag or that silky material. If she sees that material she'll grab it & start ...


Is Thumb-sucking Really That Bad?

C.C. asks from Los Angeles

i have a 4 month old baby boy, Hunter, very cute, very happy, very easy going. lately he's started to suck on his thumbs. my mom (who helps take care of him) is ver...

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Answer Highlights

  • 3 sucked their thumbs in 2 answers "Two out of the 3 sucked their thumbs and were happier and more able to self soothe ..."
  • never seen a raw thumb in 2 answers "I have never seen a raw thumb in all these years and they can't lose a thumb at night ..."
  • sucking their thumbs in 3 answers "that bad". I have known 2 children who kept sucking their thumbs into childhood."
  • sucked his thumb in 4 answers "Hi C., My son sucked his thumb until he was five, but at that point, it was only ..."
  • mess up their teeth in 2 answers "... when their dentist told them if they didn't, it would mess up their teeth ..."