obedience class

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Results 21-30 from 309 articles

Something Other than Counting to 3?

J.D. asks from Huntsville

I am wondering what other moms do to "encourage" their children to mind the first time they are asked to do something. I know that you have to be consistent, but I'm...


I Love Dogs, but This One Is Driving Me Insane!!! Please Help.

Y.C. asks from Washington DC

In March, we adopted a 4 month old shepherd husky mix from the local shelter. He was very cute, and seemingly submissive. I love dogs, and I'm the kind of person th...


Lazy 12-Yo Boy Still Being Lazy

J.M. asks from Wichita

I asked a question about a year ago about letting my son quit Tae Kwon Do after taking it for over a year. I did let him quit and I regret it. Since then he hasn't ...


Reward Chart

J.X. asks from Los Angeles

I'm getting ready to make one up for my 3.5 year old. Just want to know, did any of you find them effectived? Ineffective? Tips? thx update: still working on w...


Son's Behavior

S.S. asks from Binghamton

Hello All, My son is 6 years old and is having a really hard time in school. His teacher has been telling me especially lately that my son has been acting out in c...


Help! My Dog Bit My Son

C.N. asks from Philadelphia

I considered myself "very meticulous" about watching my son around our dogs. We have 2 dogs - a 3yo black lab and a 2.5 year old lab mix. My son, who is 18 months, ...


Preparing for Kindergarten

A.H. asks from Atlanta

Hi, my son turned 5 at the end of August and we decided to wait to enroll him in K until next year. I was wondering if any of you have any good ideas to help prepare ...


Need Help Parenting Strong Willed Four Year Old Boy

L.H. asks from Detroit

We have a very strong willed four year old boy and it is getting emotionally challenging. My husband and I have gone to a love and logic parenting seminar and we hav...


Behavior Problems in a Daschund

C.L. asks from Provo

Several months ago, we got a male daschund puppy. Getting him house trained wasn't too painful or drawn out but he was very timid. He still is. He has developed s...


One Sided Sibling Rivalry... Suggestions Needed, PLEASE

M.O. asks from Dallas

Wow, what a trying couple of days! Trying my patience that is! Unfortunately, I had to take away my five year old's privilege to join our Mom's group for an outing ...

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