nutritious breakfast ideas

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Results 41-50 from 714 articles

Healthy and Nutritious Snack Ideas!

A.S. asks from Bellingham

I've got two little girls 1 year and 3 years old. I am ever on a quest to feed them healthy and nutritous foods and right now I'm stuck. Meal times I can figure, bu...


My 5 Yr. Old Doesn't Eat Breakfast.

E.M. asks from Los Angeles

Help, My five year old does not seem interested in my breakfast choices unless they are something sweet and not good for you. I would rather he didn't eat breakfast...


What to Feed My 15 Month Old Twins for Breakfast

J.D. asks from Charleston

Hi! My twins have been on solid people food for quite a while now, except for breakfast. I still can't seem to break away from feeding them warm oatmeal cereal with...


14 Month Old Finicky at Breakfast

A.C. asks from Spokane

Hi!~ My 14 month old son has never really been a picky eater until recently.But only at breakfast time.I had been giving him oatmeal with fruit&a sippy with who...


8 Yr. Old Not Eating Breakfast

N.S. asks from Saginaw

My thank you note to all who responded to me. Thank you for all the great advice, I really appreciated all of it and I plan on using them. I am going to take her shop...


High Calorie Diet and Carnation Instant Breakfast

A.G. asks from Washington DC

My 13 mo daughter was recently put on a high calorie diet to help her gain weight. Evie is currently on formula after a rather disasterous attempt at transitioning t...


Breakfast Finger Foods?

J.S. asks from Dallas

My daughter just started feeding herself. Besides fruit, what are some other nutritious finger foods she could feed herself for breakfast. I was thinking some scram...


Breakfast Ideas for Picky Two Year Old

N.J. asks from Dayton

My daughter is a very picky eater. She has stopped eating pancakes, waffles, toaster pasteries, french toast sticks, bananas, oatmeal. :-( I am at a loss as what t...


Want to Know, What to Feed an Almost 1 Year Old for Breakfast?

L.H. asks from Chicago

My daughter has been giving me a hard time lately with eating at meals. She wants to feed herself. Which I have no problem letting her do. I give her finger foods a...


Breakfast Ideas for My 1 Yr Kid

P.R. asks from Phoenix

My daughter hates cereals, i even tried mixing fruits with them, that dose not help either... she wouldn't take even eggs... pancakes & waffles she takes not more th...

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