Northwest Texas

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Results 31-40 from 208 articles

Moving to Fort Worth, Please Help!!!

K.J. asks from Dallas

Hello moms! I am moving to Fort Worth in a few months for a job and I have never even been to Texas before! I am concerned, scared, yet also excited. I will be workin...


Birthday Party in May or June...Actual Birthday in July

H.B. asks from Dallas

My daughter LOVES the zoo and would go there everday if allowed. For the last couple years she has been asking me to have her birthday party at the zoo. I have alwa...


Medical Schools in Ohio

V.S. asks from Lima

I need some help here. I am trying to find a medical school around the area I live (Northwest Ohio). The only ones I am finding are in the big cities like Detroit, A...


We're Moving to the Tacoma Area and I Need Help!

S.B. asks from Seattle

Hello, Mamas!! My husband just accepted a job in Tacoma, and we will be moving there in the coming months. We both grew up in Northern CA, now we are living in No...


Possibly Moving There, Questions About Schools, Neighborhoods Etc

C.W. asks from Chicago

Hi! There is a strong probability that we will be moving to the Chicago area with my husband's job. We live in Texas and know nothing about the area. Some people have...


Buy a House with Foundation Repaired

C.Y. asks from Dallas

I am planning to buy one house in Plano TX. However, this house had foundation repaired in 1994 and no warranty available right now. The repairs were in the north ea...


Moving to Olathe PLEASE HELP!!!

K.W. asks from Kansas City

Hi all! My husband just got transferred to Olathe. We are excited but also scared to death! We're leaving all of our family here in Texas. I have a few questions as...


Good Doctors

K.C. asks from Chicago

Hello everyone, I just moved back to Illinois after being in Texas for 3 years. I LOVED my OB GYN and my daughters pediatrician there, but I know need to find someo...


I Have a Few Questions

N.R. asks from Houston

Question number one is: I think I need to join a moms group I don't have a large group of friends and the few i have seem to busy a lot. I am currently pregnant and h...


NEED A Referral!!!

M. asks from Dallas

My hubby has been having some issues with his back and wants to get a referral to see a really good chiropractor or back doc. If anyone has someone they use or know ...

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