new england medical

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Results 21-30 from 306 articles

Question About Health Insurance UPDATED INFO

E.B. asks from Austin

I'm wondering if anyone can help me understand this. My dh pays for good medical insurance through his employer. I don't really understand the whole "network" t...


Getting to Know You...

L.P. asks from Pittsburgh

What is your career, or what do you do for a living? And what does your husband do? I work for a major auto insurance carrier, and I handle medical claims. H...


Who Are You?

R.D. asks from Richmond

Apparently, my 'scaring kids' post did not sit well with a few people... I respect your views anyway ;) Then I was thinking... am I really that jerk parent? I mean...


Disliking Activities- Spin-Off

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- A recent question concerning extra-curriculars and the responses has me thinking- which activities do you think are "mandatory" and which ones are ...


Invasion of the Health Insurance Carriers

M.C. asks from Detroit

We have medical insurance through my husband's employer. We renewed our policy last month as we have for many years.. One of the changes in the policy requests that...


Breastfed Failure to Thrive 5Monthold.

M.L. asks from Portland

Hello ladies, So this is my issue. At my (just turned 5 month old's)4 month check - he came in about a pound under the line to plot on the growth charts. He was 75t...


Expecting Mother

V.P. asks from Orlando

I am expecting my second child, sometime in May of 2007 and since I just relocated to the Orlando area, I am looking for some advice as to where can I seek medical at...


What Keeps You up at Night?

G.B. asks from Oklahoma City

I took a class in college and we did stuff to receive extra credit. One of those things that "I" did was participate in a study about depression. The teams thesis was...


I Don't Know If I like My Pediatrcian!!

H.P. asks from Lexington

Ok, so my son is now 6 months old and has been going to the same peditrician since he was born. He's been sick a lot. :-( My pediatrician always says he has a cold ...


Need Advice on Vitamins for PMS Symtoms

M.N. asks from Dallas

After having my three boys and finishing breastfeeding a few months ago, my periods have come back very heavy and I'm having a harder time with PMS. I have severe fat...

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Answer Highlights

  • cut yourself some slack in 2 answers "But, if all else fails, cut yourself some slack and supplement with formula."
  • pre existing conditions in 4 answers "Thank goodness for the new pre-existing conditions and recission law now."
  • huge animal lover in 3 answers "... that I had more of a social life but I work a lot. I am a HUGE animal lover ."
  • tell you how to live your life in 2 answers "... if you make them) so yes, they do have a right to tell you how to live your life ..."
  • drink the kool aid in 2 answers "... to follow the lemmings sometimes (and as someone else said, drink the kool aid ..."