name world

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Results 81-90 from 15,739 articles

Changing Your Child's Name

H.G. asks from Lancaster

So my DD is 15 years old. We did our best to choose a name for her before she was born. I NEVER consulted the name lists of what was popular at the time. I inadver...


Baby's Last Name...

D.P. asks from San Francisco

I'm expecting my first child and I'm not married to my other half. We're engaged, but have no plans to get married any time soon. We've got enough on our plate. We...


Divorce and Name Change

M.M. asks from Chicago

I am days away fom my divorce being final and wanted to get everyone's opinion on going back to my maiden name. I am a mother of a 6 1/2 yr old and don't know if I sh...


Changing My Last Name

S.S. asks from Tulsa

I am remarried to a wonderful man and stepdad to my son and have been for almost 4 years however i didnt change my last name.i am torn between keeping the same last n...


Can't Pick a Name-help!

A.P. asks from Janesville-Beloit

So, we're less than a week away from our daughter's arrival, and we can't decide on a name. We're getting desperate! :) My husband and I both like different names, ...


Name for Baby #2

M.W. asks from Oklahoma City

Ok ladies, my husband and I have FINALLY narrowed down the name options or our second son. We have narrowed it down to Ty Logan or Tyke Logan. We really like Tyke b...


Baby Name Spellings

J.R. asks from Dallas

What is everyones thought on using original spellings for a babies name? We are expecting our 4th baby, a girl, before Christmas and have decided to name her Mallory...


Do You like the Name Cecilia?

N.R. asks from Detroit

Its not my absolute favorite- but I do love it. It was my grandmother's name who recently passed away and I loved her dearly. WDYT of the name? we're also tryin...


Undecided on a Name for My Daughter?

B.R. asks from New York

Having a girl in feb and undecided on whether to name her Cameron or Brielle? Please help it would be appreciated thanks in advance.


Need Help with New Name!

B.K. asks from Sioux Falls

I am quite the fan of quirky names. My boyfriend wants to be a little more traditional. We fought, nothing too serious, up until delivery day about what to name baby ...

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