naked toddler

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Results 111-120 from 919 articles

Shopping Ahead of Time for Toddler Clothes

M.W. asks from Seattle

So, you know how after kids hit that 18 month mark they kind of stop growing so rapidly? Well, my daughter is 20 months, has always been able to wear the clothing si...


Potty Training for 3Yrs Old Toddler.

A.M. asks from San Francisco

My son goes in private area and pressures his tummy but on the same hand controls the poop. It has been extremely difficult to make him understand right way to do it....


Toddler Potty-training & Holding Stool In

K.B. asks from New York

My soon to be 3 year old daughter is still in diapers and we will be potty training this summer. The most recent problem has been that she does not want to poop in...


What Age, If Any, Did You Stop Changing in Front of Your Kids?

M.A. asks from Salt Lake City

I am trying to decide if and when I should stop letting my kids see me naked. They are 8 and under right now and they will come into the bathroom when I am showering...


2 Year Olds, Taking off Clothes and Diapers at Naptime

A.B. asks from Phoenix

My 2 yr old twin boys, go in cribs around lunchtime. After about 10 minutes, I hear them laughing and go to find naked boys and a lot of the time, they have peed all ...


Potty Training

F.B. asks from Charlottesville

My son turned 2 May 27th and I'm having potty training issues. He first started showing interest last January. He was very young, but he would tell us he had to go ...


I Need an Opinion from You Please Ladies and Gents....

M.S. asks from Portland

Our son is 5, autistic and sensory seeking. He is tall for his age and looks about 7. We live in a mobile home park where he is quite safe. The neighbors are aware th...


JFF: My Son Went Streaking Today... What Did Your Kid Do?

S.H. asks from Honolulu

OMG. So my son... we were all in the family room playing nicely. I went to the kitchen for a SECOND. My daughter starts screaming... MOMMY! I say nonchalantly... "...


2 Year Old DD Taking off Clothes at Bed Time

K.K. asks from Reading

I know this happens and its a phase but how do you get through it??? My daughter is a little older then 2 and has started taking off her clothes and diaper at night ...


3 Yr Old Refuses to Poop in Potty!

J.A. asks from Los Angeles

Help! My son is 3 years 1 month old. He has mastered peeing in the potty, which is great, but he refuses to poop in the potty. I am getting really tired of cleaning ...

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Answer Highlights

  • naked is no big deal in 2 answers "Being naked is no big deal in our house."
  • wearing shorts in 4 answers "I weight in on the side of "yes" to wearing shorts over the pullup."
  • elastic waist in 2 answers "Your son can wear elastic waist gym shorts and still feel comfortable."
  • pair of shorts in 3 answers "Throw a pair of shorts or a bathing suit on him and call it good."
  • prune juice in 3 answers "I gave my little guy some prune juice."