my 7 month old constipated

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My 8 Week Old Daughter Is Constipated and MISERABLE!! Please Help!!

T.S. asks from Dallas

Okay so, I changed my dd formula from similac advanced to similac isomil, soy because with the other one, she was getting alot of uncomfortable gas. Well, immediately...


Need Help with Constipated 5 Month Old

R.T. asks from Austin

My beautiful 5 month old girl is having such a hard time with her bowel movements. It just breaks my heart to see her grunt and scream trying to get the "poopie" out...


Could Formula Be Making My 1 Month Old Constipated?

J.C. asks from Santa Fe

I have a one month old at home. I tried breastfeeding but was not able to make enough milk to sustain her. I reluctantly gave her formula because imporantly she needs...


Feeding My 7 Month Old

L.C. asks from Duluth

I have a 7 month old son who has been doing well on solid foods for over a month. He eats all types of baby cereal (rice, oat, barley, mixed grains etc) and almost a...


9Mo Old Always Constipated

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

so my 9 month old is constantly getting constipated. I switched from rice cereal to oatmeal cereal and it worked for a few days, but now we are back to the little peb...


8 Week Old Gassy and Constipated Even Though He's Breastfeed.

A.B. asks from Columbus

MY son was born eight weeks ago today and he is GASSY! I am breastfeeding and Im trying to eliminate anything from my diet that I think may be causing him discomfort....


Need Help with Deciding Which Formula Is Best for My Baby. He's Been Constipated

V.B. asks from New York

My son is 3 months old now. Since he was born I've been breastfeeding him (I pump it out) as well as giving him formula (Similac Advance w/Iron). These past 2 weeks h...


One Year Old Constipated from Milk? Advice Please!

A.D. asks from Seattle

My son is 13 months old and I switched him to whole milk from the lactose free formula that he had been on. I thought, he had outgrown his lactose intolerant issues ...


My 2 Year Old Is Constipated

H.S. asks from Cincinnati

My 27 month old daughter has had a difficult time with bowel movements for about 10 days now. When she does go, she strains, and sometimes even cries. They are coming...


Baby Constipated for the First Time Since Starting Solids - Help

J.G. asks from Phoenix

My 9 month old is exclusively breastfed and we never had a poopy problem until recently. We started her on solids at about 7 months but she still eats about 80 or 90...

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Answer Highlights

  • dark karo syrup in 3 answers "So they told me to put Dark Karo syrup 1tsp in the formula 2times per day and that ..."
  • days between bowel movements in 2 answers "for a baby to go 7-10 days between bowel movements and be super gassy (even if some ..."
  • infant glycerin suppositories in 2 answers "i had the same problem with my daughter..they make infant glycerin suppositories and ..."
  • dark karo syrup in 2 answers "... age and constipated, I was advised to give him a teaspoon of Dark Karo Syrup ..."
  • dark karo syrup in 2 answers "My pedi told us to mix one tsp. of Dark Karo syrup with two ounces of water and give ..."