mmr vaccine

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Results 81-90 from 638 articles

Re: Splitting the Mmr

A.J. asks from Sacramento

Just wondering if anyone in the Sacramento, CA area knows of a pediatrician who will split the MMR vaccine into 3 shots? My pediatrician told me they don't carry it t...


Input on the MMR Vaccination -

C.O. asks from St. Louis

Hello: Isaac will have his 1 year shots at the end of this month. I've inquired about the MMR vaccination. I saw Jenny McCarthy on Oprah and have read other info...


MMR Vaccination Help....

K.N. asks from Pittsburgh

I know i may be opening a can of worms here but i need help. I have a 19 month old daughter who hasn't gotten her MMR shot yet... due to my own fears of Autisim. I ha...


What Do You Think About the MMR Shot

J.S. asks from Miami

My daughter recently caught the Robeola Virus (form of Measles) ~ we have no idea how but the doctor said that it could be easily transmitted just by her simply putti...


MMR Immunizations...HELP!

C.P. asks from Houston

Ok, ladies I need all the advice you can give please! I am terrified of the MMR immunizations, and I need to know all the information that you have on it. I will se...


Chicken Pox and MMR Shots Together?

J.B. asks from Washington DC

Our pediatrician recommended that a few weeks before we travel by air that our daughter should receive the Chicken Pox and MMR shots together. She will only be 14 mon...


MMR Aka Autism Shot

S.H. asks from Washington DC

Hello All, I am always drawn to programming that gives info on autism and today Oprah had on Jenny McCarthy and Holly Robinson. At one point in the show Jenny sugg...


Anyone Delay MMR Until Age 5?

H.C. asks from Chicago

Hi, My oldest daughter just turned 5 and hasn't had the MMR shot. I have it scheduled for next week. I am still really nervous about this vaccine. I've heard a ...


MMR Advice - Wait or Just Do It?

N.F. asks from Reno

My just-turned 3 yr old son is to begin pre-school any day now. He cannot attend without being current on immunizations. I have waited for the MMR but obviously must ...


Mumps Vaccine Shortage

K.L. asks from Boston

Hi, I'm not sure if anyone else is in this situation. I decided to separate my daughters MMR shot. She has received Rubella and Measles but the doctor's office tol...

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Answer Highlights

  • correlation does not equal causation in 2 answers "They simply do not cause these things. Correlation does not equal causation."
  • sure what causes autism in 2 answers "Still, no one really knows for sure what causes autism."
  • do your own research in 2 answers "... for his/her opinion and any info he/she might have. Then do your own research ..."
  • outweigh the risks in 2 answers "Personally, I think the risks of not getting vaccinated far outweigh the risks of ..."
  • had a speech delay in 2 answers "My son had a speech delay, and he got shots, and he was sensory sensitive too."