mirena pregnant

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Results 71-80 from 1,265 articles

Mirena Problems

M.C. asks from Kansas City

I know that many people have had a great experience with the Mirena IUC and I too thought it was great, and have been recommending it to others, but now I am not sure...


Mirena and Breastfeeding

A.W. asks from Atlanta

I have a 9 week old whom I have been exclusively breastfeeding and all has been going well until today. I had a IUD (Mirena) inserted yesterday and my dr. put me on a...


Questions About Mirena

J.B. asks from Birmingham

Hi all! I had a Mirena IUD inserted on April the 1st. I had absolutely no problems with the procedure. My issue now is that I have been bleeding every day since. I...


Mirena Support

J.R. asks from Phoenix

I have recently had the Mirena inserted (mid November)and have been having lower back pain, spotting just about everyother day since insertion, fatigue and horrible m...


Pregnancy & Mirena

K.P. asks from Washington DC

Hi Moms Has anyone gotten pregnant while on Mirena? I have had it for over a year now and got into a pretty regular cycle for the last 6 months, this month I am l...


Mirena IUD

A.N. asks from San Francisco

Hello everyone! I had Mirena put in about 4 months ago and have had regular periods up until this month. Im two weeks late and have had no spotting or bleeding. I am ...


Mirena IUD?

M.D. asks from Victoria

I was wondering if any of you moms out there have tried the Mirena IUD? My doctor suggested it for me, but I am a little hesitent about getting it. The pamphlet says ...


Mirena / IUD

M.M. asks from Chicago

I am thinking of switching to Mirena. It will be my first IUD. While researching side effects / reviews online, I am now very nervous. It seems many experience weight...


Mirena Question

T.Y. asks from San Angelo

Hi Mamas! I really need to call the doctor's office about this, but they never get back to me quickly (military clinic!). I got the Mirena put in about 3 weeks ago. I...


Mirena IUD

G.C. asks from Austin

Has anyone received the Mirena IUD and what should I expect if I get it...signs/symptoms, side effects (i.e. weight gain??, moodswings??). Please let me know if you ...

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