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Who or What Do You Find Overrated?

C.J. asks from Milwaukee

I'm getting so sick of being TOLD this thing or that person is great, wonderful or a MUST have. What do you find overrated? Mine is the (it's a weird list) ...


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Hi, I have a son who is going to be three years old in a couple of weeks. I wanted to know if anyone could give me a tip about what to do to make him a littl...


TV Question - Just for Fun

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I saw the post on here about the show Phineas and Ferb and read the responses. It got me wondering what do you allow your kids to watch and what is off-limits? And ...


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Advice on Pre-teen Daughter's Desire for Black Nail Polish

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Hello moms. I have a daughter who is about to turn 13. She is trying to drive me bonkers!! I've told her I do not approve of the black nail polish. I think it loo...


A Parent Called My 7 Year Old Daughter Fat at School!!

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