medicine for dogs

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Results 81-90 from 1,057 articles

When Can a Child Start Eating Peanut Butter?

V.B. asks from Dallas

I have a 14 month old daughter and I know that you aren't supposed to give babies peanut butter because of the possibility of allergies, but I have been reading about...


Any Vets/vet Techs Out There?

M.D. asks from Corpus Christi

I have 3 dogs and when we moved last year they had their first exposure to fleas. One of the dogs is severly allergic to the flea bites, she scratches until her fur ...


Gnld's Suppliments for Allergies

E.M. asks from San Francisco

My 5 yr old has some allegies (not sure what) and coughes at night and in the mornings. (He was tested for bunch of allergens such as cats, dogs, dust mites, but it ...


Depression While Pregnant?

K.R. asks from Chicago

I am pregnant with my second child and I have been very depressed lately (i think). My son is 8 months old and my second child is due in September. When I was pregnan...


If My Son Was Allergic to Our New Kittens What Types of Allergies Would He Have?

T.D. asks from San Francisco

My son has a mild allergy to pollen and he takes Zyrtec daily for it. He is constantly around dogs when he is at my mother's house, which is at least twice a week. So...


Cleaning Concrete

L. asks from Dallas

My dogs have made a mess of the guest room carpet and we want to replace it. This has been going on for years so the pad obviously needs to go but we aren't sure wha...


Allergy Testing in a 1 Year Old

A.S. asks from Philadelphia

I was wondering if any other mom's have taken their young children for allergy testing and the outcome was. I had a previous post on her regarding Zyrtec for my almo...


Dog ? My Wits End. This Is Gross....

M.A. asks from Chicago

my 1 yr terrier mix whom I have had for 5 months, is eating Frozen POOP from outside, I don't think it needs to be frozen, seen him eat it right out of my other dogs ...


Dog Bit - Husband Disagrees on Action

B.. asks from Dallas

First, let me start by saying I take dog safety VERY seriously. My parents trained dogs growing up, so I was always around them. My dogs are well trained and socializ...


Want to Know More About NAET

D.L. asks from Fort Collins

In looking for answers about my son and his eczema and possible food allergies, I've seen several people refer to NAET. So I recently purchased a book about it and h...

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Answer Highlights

  • dogs eat their own poop in 2 answers "Dogs eat their own poop. We tried all sorts of things that our vet suggested, none ..."
  • post nasal drip in 2 answers "... nose, sneezing, eye symptoms, congestion, cough could come from post nasal drip."
  • dog needs to be put down in 2 answers "... specialist, 2 shelters, and an attorney. The dog needs to be put down."
  • meat tenderizer in 4 answers "He told me that meat tenderizer isn't a good idea- too much salt and other spices ..."
  • had to put a dog down in 2 answers "It's time for the dog to go. We had to put a dog down recently that we loved."