meaning of the name jason

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Results 11-20 from 66 articles

Baby Name...HONESTLY

A.A. asks from Dallas

I think I may name my girl Adalie Kate. Im not sure how I would like to spell Adalie, there are a few ways: Adalee, Adaleigh. Anyway, I mentioned my name to a cowor...


Boy Name Suggestions

A. asks from Cleveland

Hello ladies! I am currently pregnant again with a little boy and I am having a hard time picking out a name. I've searched online a million times, but nothing seems ...


Competition for the "Perfect" Baby Name.

M.W. asks from Madison

I'm sure many of you have had this or similar situations happen to you and I am looking for some ideas on how to handle an awkward situation. I am expecting my third...


Trouble with a Boy Name

N.J. asks from Huntington

I am 7 1/2 months pregnant and my husband and I are having trouble with coming up with a boy name. Right now we aren't sure what we are having, the doctor told us was...


Boy Name Suggestions??

S.M. asks from Springfield

I was just wondering if anyone had any unique boy names they wanted to share. I appreciate all suggestions.


Having a Lot of Trouble with Boy Names

M.F. asks from Denver

Hi, Is there anything that anyone did to help figure out names? My husband and I have had a girl name we love since before I got pregnant, but no boy name seems rig...


Seeking Advice and Words of Wisdom-- Naming the Baby Is Making Me So Sad!

J.B. asks from Los Angeles

Im pregnant with my 2nd... My son was named after my husband's grandfather as he was a very special important to him. He had a simple and classic name-- JACK. Our ...


We Need a Little Help...

T.G. asks from Kansas City is the thing. We have a baby boy coming here shortly. We have a first name picked out and we dont have a middle name. Every middle name I find that I lik...


Ainsley Too Weird???

S.P. asks from Kansas City

Hi fellow moms! I am pregnant with #3 and having a huge problem coming up with names for this surprise!! We love names that are kind of unique, and not too popular....


My Baby Girl Is Coming in 3 Weeks

M.L. asks from Philadelphia

I need a name, something really nice and sweet. My top choices are maeve riley and mallory grace however my husband doesn't like them.

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