meaning of name alexander

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Results 31-40 from 95 articles

Boy's Name

J.J. asks from Erie

Hello moms. We have 2 girls and are expecting a boy in November. My husband and I can not come up with any boy names we agree on. Any suggestions would be helpf...


Boy Name That Goes with Reid and Henry

J.P. asks from Washington DC

We have 2 sons, Reid and Henry, and are considering names for a 3rd son. I lean more towards traditional names then trendy names but I absolutely LOVED Reid when we ...


Almost 37 Weeks Pregnant and We Still Have Not Picked a Name!

M.E. asks from Jacksonville

I will be 37 weeks pregnant on Thursday and my husband and I have still not picked a name! We are having a boy. We did not have this problem with our first 2 children...


Calling a Child by Their Middle name......without Asking First

A.G. asks from South Bend

My mil (who tends to do things just to irritate me.....even my husband admits that) told me on Christmas Eve that she doesn't like my poor choice in name for my young...


Hard to Even Ask This, Anyone Regret Their Child's Name Decision?

N.M. asks from Chicago

my husband really wanted a junior. I did express my worry but did not totally object. Now it is just annoying to have to call my husband and him the same name. I h...


A Quick Baby Name request...Needed NOW! Lol

J.J. asks from Los Angeles

Hi everyone... my sister is in the hospital about to deliver & she still hasn't came up with a middle name for her baby. We don't know what the sex is so do any of yo...


Baby Name Ideas

S.B. asks from Rochester

We are having our second little boy on December 19th. I am at a loss for names because my family is so huge and our church is huge and my husband's family only has b...


I Really Need Baby Boy Name Ideas!

N.O. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I'm having my 3rd baby in March (2nd boy) and would love to hear some cool baby boy names. I had so much trouble naming my 1st son that we ended up naming h...


Baby Noy Names Starting with Letter "A"

L.F. asks from Tyler

Please help me!! I am 26wks preg and having a hard time with a boy name. Our daughter's name begins with the letter A and I would like ideas for cute boy names starti...


Time Is Running Out and I Need a Baby name-EDIT: Baby Still Not Here :(

V.N. asks from Chicago

I am due Wednesday and we still don't have any ideas on girls names. We have a few boys names we like, but nothing for girls. Where did you guys go to look or any...

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