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Seeking Help on Diaper Rash

A.S. asks from New York

It's been 3 months of dealing with diaper rash, yeast infection and eczema. Well at leat that's what the doctors said that my son has. I've tried everything. Multiple...


3 Year Old Constipated...

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We recentlyz had a very bad stomach virus whirl through our home and hit all of us hard... Especially my. 3 year old... It's been about 2 weeks since we've all been o...


Cracked and Bleeding Mouth

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Help for Weight Loss

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I need help!!! I've been struggling with the 'left over' baby weight from my pregnancy almost two years ago. I breastfed my daughter for an entire year so I tried t...


Laundering Prefolds and Bumgenius Cloth Diapers

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Seeking Advice on Temper Tantrums with My 3 Year Old

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Chunky Needs Motivation!!!!

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Answer Highlights

  • high fructose corn syrup in 2 answers "... good to stick with,but watch those hydronated fats and high fructose corn syrup!"
  • borage dry skin therapy in 2 answers "Use SHIKAI Borage Dry Skin Therapy Lotion."
  • aveeno diaper rash cream in 2 answers "I used Aveeno diaper rash cream (but I would suggest using a more natural one without ..."
  • bubble goddess bath in 3 answers "I work for a local company called Bubble Goddess Bath Co."
  • pure corn starch in 2 answers "... that ever worked for her with diaper rash was corn starch. Pure corn starch ..."