lose weight pills

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Results 81-90 from 1,402 articles

Losing Weight....

C.S. asks from Philadelphia

I have found that trying to lose weight is harder than the 42 hours of labor I was in with my daughter. I was relatively skinny before I got pregnant. But I gained ...


Weight Loss

R.J. asks from Columbia

I hope everybody had a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Can anybody tell me of a weight loss supplement that worked for them. I want to lose weight before my 26th b-day on May 29t...


Effective Diet Pills That Do Not Contain Caffeine.

C.F. asks from Dallas

Most of the diet pills sold at the stores contain caffeine and I'm very sensitive to caffeine, it makes me very jittery and gives me an upset stomach. Does anyone kn...


What Diet Pills Work the Best and Are the Safetest?

C.D. asks from Dallas

I have been working out for about 2 months now, and i feel "tighter" but i weigh myself and nothing. No weight lost. Its getting me discouraged, I don't eat alot, o...


Losing Weight

C.M. asks from Chicago

OK! I need some major help! After having my 2nd child (now 2) I cannot seem to lose all the weight! Plus I am over 30 now so I'm sure my metabolizm has slowed. I am r...


Diet Pills?

S.S. asks from Minneapolis

Does anyone know of a diet pill that has worked for them? I have gotten one from a Dr. and they made me loopy. I have tried a few over the counter. My significant ...


Diet Pills

R.F. asks from Houston

Looking for a good diet pill! Any suggestions????


Pregnancy Weight

D.F. asks from St. Louis

How long does it take to loose the pregnancy weight. I lost 33lbs of water weight the first week home from the hospital and since then nothing. I'm tired of looking...


Baby Weight

J. asks from Tampa

Hello. I was wondering how long it took for anyone to lose their baby weight? I am trying to get a realistic idea of what is normal. I gained 48 pounds with baby and ...


Losing Weight

R.N. asks from Dallas

Ok ladies, I need some help again. Ya'll have helped so much before. Ok, here it is. I have an issue with my weight. I need to lose 50 pounds and that will put me at ...

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