living at home during college

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Results 181-190 from 7,177 articles

Living Arrangements in a 2 Bedroom Apartment

A.M. asks from Chicago

I figured I would get the best advice from the moms here. I am curreently living in a two bedroom apartment in a 12 flat (owned). It is my husband (who works out of ...


Visitation Rights for Father Living with New Girlfriend

A.P. asks from Reading

The father of my 1 1/2 year old daughter and I have never been married. We never went to court for custody, he pays 45.00 a week in child support. We worked things o...


How Else Should I Approach This Sibling Living Situation?

M.P. asks from Washington DC

My sister moved in with me and my minor children while she was still in University. That was roughly two years ago. While she was in school I wasn't worried about her...


Small or Big Home

S.G. asks from Cumberland

We are looking to buy a home. We have 3 young children. Do we buy a small home that isn't so glamorous and would allow us to have a lot of extra money each month so w...


What Did You Study in College? Are You Working in That Field Now?

A.G. asks from Houston

For me it was Literature and Business Marketing and yes (sort of), I work part time for a political research editor, so I can be at home before and after my son goes/...


Help Around the Home !!!

V.G. asks from Baton Rouge

I would like some advice from some of you moms out there on how to get my kids involved in house cleaning. I am so exausted lately that I can't even get my house co...


First Time Home Owner...

L.N. asks from Dallas

I just recently purchased our very first home! We have been living in apartments since my husband and I got married, and the kids their whole lives. What are some...


Stay at Home Dad Not Doing Any Work Around the Home

M.P. asks from Denver

My husband quit his job in June, which we both agreed was what we wanted. I love having him around more but I expected that he would do the brunt of the house work. ...


Living with Kids in the Bay Area--- Specifically San Fran or Berkeley

L.E. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I are *considering* moving up north to the bay area. I LOVE LA and would miss it like crazy, but we both have family up there and we feel our kids are ...


College Education and Tuition as Next 'Housing Bubble?'

R.D. asks from San Diego

I wanted to share this from Mark Cuban (millionaire and owner of Dallas mavericks). I thought it was very interesting and something I hadn't thought about before. Is ...

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