letrozole fertility

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18 articles

Femara vs Clomid???

C.D. asks from Topeka

I was wanting some info about femara...my dr. put me on clomid, but my folicles were small, a lot of them but no mature ones, and she wants to put me on femara now. H...


When to Start Trying Again After 2 Miscarriages?

V.B. asks from Minneapolis

I've spent the last year and half in a foreign country while my husband is doing development work, so let me start out saying I have access to three sources of good m...


39 Years Old Mom Wanting to Have Another Baby

K.L. asks from San Francisco

I am 39 years old woman with one beautiful daughter already who is 8 years old. I want to have another one, but it is really hard for me to conceive. Does any one h...


Having Trouble Getting Pregnant Second Time...

M.C. asks from Chicago

...we have a son who is two and would like another...problem is, we don't seem to be able to get pregnant! My husband is 36 and I am 28. It doesn't appear to be an is...


Metformin, Prometrium and TTC with PCOS

A.L. asks from Lincoln

My Dr just recently told me that I have PCOS and since we've been trying to conceive for over 6 months he put me on Metformin and says I also have to take Prometrium ...


About Clomid

E.B. asks from St. Louis

Hi, I'm 34 and we are trying for first baby.Naturaly nothing happened yet in the first 3 years, so we are doing Clomid 50mg right now. I know I'm early to be on thi...


Anyone Tried Clomid?

K.R. asks from Denver

Hello ladies! I find myself asking your wonderful opinions again! Short story...I have two wonderful boys, 3 and 17 months. We want one more, but it has now been 6 mo...


Multiple Miscarriages

M.E. asks from Omaha

I've had 2 miscarriages in the past 9 months, both at 5-6 weeks. No chromosomal or other abnormalities and OB says "just keep trying." Seems to be a hormonal issue ...

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