lesson plan ourselves

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Dave Ramsey Fans/followers - and Those That Want to Be.....=)

S.J. asks from St. Louis

If you are a fan of Dave Ramsey, how did you get started? Did you follow his plans strictly, or simply use them as guidance? For example, no going to a restaurant u...


Preschool Updates/reports

C.M. asks from Dallas

Just wondering if other preschools are the same as mine. There are a few things I'm hoping will change next semester, but I would like to see what the norm is before...


Birthing Styles

M.S. asks from Kansas City

I am 15 weeks pregnant. My friend asked me the other day what birthing plan I was going to use. I have no idea. She suggested bradly. What do you all think? I i goi...


Help...pricing Help Needed

B.H. asks from Los Angeles

Alright Mamas, I need your help. My partner and I are planning an 8 week telecourse for families. And we need a price for it. It is 8 weeks (every Wednesday starting ...


T-ball: Quit or Finish It Out?

C.C. asks from Tallahassee

We signed our 4 year old son up for t-ball this year. We asked him ahead of time if he wanted to play and he said "Yes!" He seems to get bored when he is not part...


Are We Asking Too Much of Our Public School Teachers?

S.J. asks from Tucson

So just for full disclosure I am a secondary teacher and I had a really stressful day. This is more of a vent...but also a question about societies expectations of te...


Music Lessons from a High Schooler? Need Feedback Please

S.H. asks from Des Moines

My son, who will be a sophomore next year plans to make music education his career. He plays multiple instruments and music is his life. He participates in concert ...


Favorite Disney World Dining?

S.G. asks from Dallas

We are planning our trip for September to Disney World and we are going to have the dining plan which includes 1 sit down dinner per night (5). So since we have been...


Any Parenting Fails?

L.B. asks from Phoenix

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a weak parenting moment? My pre teen and teen were supposed to perform in a recital today with other students of th...


Should We Visit His Kindergarten and See What He Is Learning????

B.H. asks from Los Angeles

My grandson, (he and his parents have lived with us since before he was born and we all raise him in harmony), started kindergarten 3 weeks ago in a charter school. W...

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