Learning Disability

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Results 61-70 from 2,102 articles

Where Do I Get My Daughter Tested for Learning Disabilties?

J.Y. asks from Dallas

I need to know where to get my daughter tested for learning disabilities. We've started with the school, but I'm not too impressed with their willingness to do so. ...


Maybe I Am the One Not Getting It? Learning Letters

M.!. asks from Columbus

I posted the other day about teaching my 5 year old letter recognition. We are struggling with it. He can sing his ABC's and he can write legibly (sp?) his letters....


Autism? Aspergers? Learning Diability? or Normal?

M.M. asks from Tucson

My dad remarried after my mother passed away had twins, a girl and a boy who are now 6 yrs old. June is their birthday. I have a 7 yr old daughter whose birthday is ...


Could My Unborn Child Be at Risk for Learning Disabilities or Retardation?

J.L. asks from Hartford

I just turned 36 weeks pregnant. The issues started when I was approx. 30 weeks. I've been measuring a few weeks smaller than what I should via fundal height and ex...


4 Year Old Might Have Learning Disabilities

M.L. asks from Seattle

I am the mother of a 4 year old, a full time nanny, and have worked in daycares for 10 years. I do "preschool time" with my son (4) and the other 2 boys, both of whom...


Stressed!!! NEED HELP!!! Maturity Level Hindering Learning...

S.F. asks from Austin

Hello All, My 5 year old daughter is having many difficulties in school. This is the second half of the year and she has yet to adjust to Kindergarten. I spoke wit...


Help with Almost 3 Year Old and Learning Colors

L.L. asks from Philadelphia

My almost 3 year old daughter is struggling with learning her colors. She is up to par on her counting, alphabet, etc, however she cannot seem to grasp the concept o...


Need Help to Diagnosis ADD or Learning Disabilities in My 6 Yo? Where to Go?

M.M. asks from Dallas

My son has always had problems in school. He is bright, but does not focus and complete his work. I live in Carrollton and would like him to be evaluated out side o...


I Want to Put on Boxing Gloves (Learning a Martial Art or Similar Activity)

E.D. asks from Seattle

Good Morning Mamas, I am interested in learning how to either box, kickbox or learn a martial art. Preferably, I would get a workout and learn self defense techni...


I Had Testing for Learning Disabilities

T.M. asks from Detroit

I am done dealing with my daughters math issues. She has struggled since kindergarten. School just started and I already see the same problems starting. I have don...

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