iron vitamins

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Results 71-80 from 2,315 articles

OTC Medicine for Iron Deficiency

M.B. asks from Austin

Hello, I am about 18 weeks pregnant with my 2nd one. My hemoglobin levels are found out to be low and need to take iron supplement. I had same issue with my first p...


How to Give Babies Those Stinky Vitamins?

K.A. asks from Providence

I have twin boys who are 16 months old. I have to admit I haven't been good at all about giving them their vitamins (poly vi sol). I really want to start but they wi...


Which Prenatal Vitamins to Take

S.L. asks from Champaign

I'm 36 and have been taking prenatal vitamins for the past several months in preparation for trying to have another baby. Now, when I had my son 4 years ago, there di...


Iron Supplements for 13-Month-old??

C.L. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi ladies! We recently found out my 13-month-old has pretty low iron levels and our ped wanted to start him on some supplements. I've tried an over-the-counter liqu...


Non Prescription Prenatal Vitamins

M.P. asks from New York

My doctor says it is safer to take prescription prenatal vitamins. I think the vitamins that she prescribe to me is not enough and want to take another kind with more...


Seeking Advice About Vitamins

J.F. asks from Buffalo

My doctor recommended vitamins for my 4 month old at about 2 months. She is exclusively breastfed and I take prenatal vitamins. I bought the vitamins and tried a fe...


Vitamins? Flinstones vs Prenatals

S.S. asks from Kansas City

Hello Moms! I had been taking the One A Day prenatal vitamins for the first 6 weeks of this pregnancy. They were hurting my stomach a tad - however, I was taking ...


Vitamins for Baby While Breastfeeding

D.P. asks from Phoenix

HI mommies, This question is for mommies that breastfeed exclusively.... I am currently nursing a 7 month old and I am getting conflicting advice on him needing iron...


Needs Iron, but Refuses Cereal

N.B. asks from Washington DC

My 9 mo. old makes the most disgusted face and then closes his mouth when I try to feed him rice cereal or oatmeal. I don't pump anymore because he doesn't take a bot...


Low Iron and Anemia

L.C. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter was diagnosed with anemia when she was 6 months. The count was 10.5 and I guess the norm is 12. I started to hike up the iron fortified cereal and iron ri...

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