influenza symptom

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Results 21-30 from 46 articles

H1N1 Symptoms in Your Family

K.W. asks from Boise

The flu has hit our little community with a vengence. About 1/4 of the students are absent from our schools at any given time. We assume it's H1N1 because many of our...


Cold Vs. Allergies

V.D. asks from Toledo

I have an almost 18 month old son. He woke up yesterday with a snotty/runny nose and coughing. He was very tired yesterday and very whiney. I don't know if it could b...


Swollen Lymph Nodes in Kids, Updated Monday Evening.

G.B. asks from Oklahoma City

Okay my nurse and mommy friends. "K" still has swollen nodules on the side of her throat. She is on K-Flex but still running a good fever. She had shakes so hard I th...


How Important Is an 'Actual' Diagnosis

C.. asks from Columbia

How important is it to get a correct diagnosis for something (scary) if it can be treated the same for something else (less scary). For example (made up to illustr...


Touchy Subjest - Anti Flu Shot Ppl?

S.F. asks from Utica

I know that sometimes certain 'touchy' taboo topics are brought up on this site and I am definitely NOT looking for a debate or an all out war over this so please tak...


What Do You Do for a High Temperature? Update!

S.H. asks from Dayton

My oldest is running a high temp of 104.3 I have called the doctor office and have done what they said and it's not coming down hardly only to 104.1. My mom is pick...


Help with Flu Vaccine Reaction

M.C. asks from Charleston

My daughter had the FluMist vaccine yesterday (the live virus nasal spray) and is feeling really crummy afterward (103 fever, chills, tiredness etc--a "mini" flu). M...



K.X. asks from Rochester

My 13 months old has had the flu now for 4 days. When or if do I take him in? Can they do anything? Started Monday - he was very fussy and up all night crying, drank ...


Childs Fever

K.F. asks from Bakersfield

My 5 year old daughter had a slight fever yesterday morning so I kept her home from school. It was 99.5 at 6:45am taken under her arm, so not very high. Gave her some...


Break a Fever or Not??

R.M. asks from Los Angeles

I feel like there are a lot of conflicting opinions online regarding giving tylenol/motrin for a fever or leaving it alone letting it "do its job." I have friends wh...

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Answer Highlights

  • epstein barr virus in 2 answers "... illness One poster mentioned using steroids to treat EBV (Epstein-Barr virus ..."
  • im not anti flu shot in 2 answers "I'm not anti flu shot, but I don't believe that everyone needs or should run out and ..."
  • ever had a flu shot in 2 answers "I am 33 years old and have never ever had a flu shot and I work in a preschool, and ..."
  • alternate tylenol and motrin in 2 answers "I would alternate Tylenol and Motrin every three hours..."
  • never had a flu shot in 2 answers "My oldest is 18 and has never had a flu shot."