infants shoe

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Results 71-80 from 133 articles

Is My Baby the Correct Size?

T.N. asks from Houston

My pediatrician seems to think that my baby is a little too short for 7 months. She weighs 16 lbs 10 oz and is 25.25 inches tall..... Please tell me how much your kid...


Tnanny Quits B/c of 4 Yr Old

K.P. asks from Minneapolis

I am not sure what to think right now, but needed to get some input from fellow moms. I have employed a nanny while I work PT (3 days/week) for the past five months....


Baby Sign.

C.W. asks from Austin

I am interested in teaching my baby to sign...when she's old enough. she's 3 months now... When should I start? also, what kind of books/programs work best for teachi...


Do You *Make* Your Child Wear His or Her Glasses

J.B. asks from Boston

My 11 year old son, who is a ridiculously stubborn child, doesn't wear his glasses. Ever. And he needs them...his vision is poor in both eyes. He apparently manages t...


First Plane Ride!!!!!

V.T. asks from Charlotte

My son is now 8 months old and in 2 1/2 weeks he will be taking he first plane ride from NC all the way to CA. He is a pretty good baby and he only gets cranky when h...


My 15 Month Old Will Not Talk

T.H. asks from Topeka

Hi Mommies! I am having a problem with my 15 month old...I guess it isn't really a problem but more of an issue. She will not talk. The only thing she says is dad & t...


Baby Won't Sleep in Her Crib or ANYWHERE but Parents' Bed!

L.M. asks from Provo

My granddaughter was born with some kind of choking disorder, which has been fairly resolved with medicine. Her mother (my daughter) had the baby sleep in their bed ...


Air Travel with 5 Month Old Infant-first Flight!

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi mama's! I am going to be taking my 5 month old to Hawaii and I have no idea what I need to bring with me...I am currently nursing him, so I think I have the fee...


Flying with a 7 Month Old

T.A. asks from Columbus

Has anyone taken a 6-7 mo old on a plane? My husband and I are trying to book our flights for June when we'll be taking our vacation. Is it better to have a longer la...


My Kid Wont Sleep!!

A.H. asks from Salt Lake City

my husband and i are the proud parents of a 3 month old baby boy!! since we brought him home he would never sleep in his crib or his sleeper that is right by our bed,...

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