infant sleep regression

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Results 81-90 from 116 articles

4 Month Old Not Sleeping Through Night Anymore

A.C. asks from Harrisburg

I need a little help. My 4 month old has been sleeping through the night since she was about 10 weeks old, until recently. She is absolutely ready for bed by 8pm if w...


Reward or Punish: Five Year Old and Night Waking

A.F. asks from New York

My five and a half year old daughter, Alyssa, just started Kindergarten. She is also still adjusting to being a big sister. The baby is five months and also a girl. T...


2 1/2 Year Old Hardly Speaking...

M.E. asks from Jacksonville

My daughter will be 30 months old at the end of July. She is currently seeing a SLP (speech therapist) 2 times a week. Here are my concerns... - she has "lost" wor...


Balancing New Baby & Toddler

B.M. asks from Chicago

My new baby will be born in the next two weeks: how do i care for the new baby and the toddler at the same time? i know it will be hard, any one have tips?


Intentional Early Morning Wetting in a 4Yr old....Okay?

L.J. asks from Nashville

Hi everyone, Very sorry for what's probably a silly thing to be worrying over...but, I've been at a loss with something that I discovered was a thing with my just tur...


My Husband Doesn't Want to Have Child with Me and I Desperately Do.

S.H. asks from Pensacola

This is my first time typing my dilemma online to share with others. I suppose I never have for fear of mean criticisms I may be too sensitive to receive/accept. My...


Neverending Potty Training Nightmare!

S.D. asks from Fort Collins

My 3yr. old daughter was using the potty at least 80% of the time, even when we were out places, until Sept. came by. At the time I was 9mos pregnant with our 2nd an...


Child Spacing

H.S. asks from Johnson City

I am a stay-at-home Mommy, and I have a son that recently turned 15-months-old. My husband and I have been discussing the possibility of conceiving our second child....


Second Baby on the Way, What Will I Need to Refresh My Supplies?

M.T. asks from Kansas City

I have a little guy who is two and another little surprise due in October. I just thought I might get some goos advice from you all about what I will need to refresh...


Helping Toddler Transition with New Baby in House

J.O. asks from Fresno

Hi everyone I'm a 27yr old mom of a energetic 3 year old boy. He is my world and I love him dearly. I was recently laid off so I'm now home with him everyday which is...

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