ikea bed

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Results 71-80 from 1,005 articles

"Big Boy" Bed

A.M. asks from New York

At what age did everyone transition their little ones to a toddler bed or big kid bed? Just wondering for my 17 mo. old son. TIA!


Looking for Bunk Bed

J.B. asks from Chicago

I'm getting ready to move my youngest son out of his crib and into a regular bed. My oldest son would really like to share a room so I am looking at getting a bunk b...


Bedrail for Toddler Bed?

C. asks from Tampa

We converted our son's crib to the toddler bed last night and he fell out. The toddler bed has a rail but it only covers about 1/3 of the side. Are there bed rails ...


Transition to Big Boy Bed

S.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello moms, My two-year old son seems ready to transition to a big boy bed. He's tall and rolls around a lot. We converted his crib to the lowest setting, removed...


A Good BIG Girl Bed?

M.G. asks from Minneapolis

I am wondering if anyone has some ggod ideas for where to look for our first BIG girl bed. Our daughter is 26 months and is climbing out of the crib. I am looking for...


Bunk Bed Recommendations

J.R. asks from Boston

I have two boys, ages 6 and 3, and they share a bedroom. My 3 year old is in a toddler bed but is ready to transition into a regular bed (after napping in his brothe...


When Do You Make Your Children Sleep in Their Own Bed?

L.T. asks from Dallas

I have two girls. One just turned 2 and the other will be 4 in a couple of months. They are both still sleeping in the same bed with me. Me and my husband don't ev...


Falling Out of Toddler Bed

J.G. asks from San Antonio

My 2 yr 2 month old son just recently transitioned to a toddler bed. He was climbing into his crib, so we decided to put him in a toddler bed before he hurt himself c...


Moving to a "Big Kid" Bed

J.R. asks from Portland

We've already tried once to move my daughter out of her crib. At that time I set her up with her crib mattress on the ground and mostly inside an IKEA tent. I figur...


Transitioning from Crib to Bed

A.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi moms, I have a daughter who will be two very soon. We have another baby (boy!) due in July. So, before the baby comes, we'd like to transition our toddler out o...

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Answer Highlights

  • them in their own beds in 2 answers "If you put them in their own beds and they cry until you put them in your bed, they ..."
  • bunk bed for sale in 2 answers "They had a sign in the window advertising a bunk bed for sale $149."
  • big girl bed in 3 answers "... A., My pediatrician told me to wait until my daughter asks for a big girl bed ..."
  • move her into the bed in 2 answers "... in her room for a few days to a week before you actually move her into the bed."
  • big boy bed in 2 answers "We also talked up how fun it was to sleep in a big boy bed every chance we got."