how to remove stain

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Results 71-80 from 1,368 articles

Old Diet Orange Sunkist Carpet Stain!

P.H. asks from Dallas

Does anyone know of a way to remove a month old carpet stain from orange soda or have any of you had success with a carpet cleaning company removing a stain like this...


Kitty Litter to Remove Oil Stains on Driveway?

M.M. asks from New York

Have any of you ever used kitty litter to try to remove oil stains from a blacktop driveway? Did it work?


How to remove ink stain from carpet?

K.H. asks from Tampa

Here is a very quick question. How do you get out ink pen from carpet? My 7 year old accidently broke the tip off of a pen doing his homework. As he was carrying it t...


Natural Stain Remover?

A.C. asks from Cincinnati

Does anyone know a good stain-remover for the laundry that is natural, without petroleum, bleach, fragrances, or other harsh chemicals? I only use Green cleaners in...


Does Anyone Recommend a Good Stain Remover?

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

I have noticed that the stains on my kids clothes are not coming out in the wash, even after I use Spray n Wash or Zout. I always check the clothes before putting th...


How to Remove Dark Spot on Hardwood Floor

M.H. asks from Chicago

Does anyone know how to remove a dark spot on hardwood floors. This dark spot is from dog pee. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


Hot Oil Stain

M.K. asks from Columbus

Well, my son got the promotion to Grill Cook (along with a raise)!! I am so proud of him!! He's pretty sure he's the youngest employee promoted to Grill Cook!! Th...


How to Remove Ink

K.D. asks from El Paso

Hello moms, I recently was doing what mom's do all the time, multitasking. I was getting ready for work when my daughter need to print papers for school. It just h...


What Can I Use to Remove Cat Urine Smell?

M.B. asks from Houston

I just noticed that my cat urinated on something that was on my couch and because my couch is microfiber, it rolled right off the cushion and landed on the base of th...


How to Remove a Breast Milk Stain ?

K.C. asks from Minneapolis

I had just taken a shower and put on a new cotten/spandex dress ( only from Target, but still cute) and began nursing my daughter...she had an explosive vomit, and c...

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Answer Highlights

  • those really tough stains in 2 answers "I use Sol U Mel for those really tough stains."
  • auto parts store in 2 answers "You may try going to an auto parts store and buying a liquid cleaner if it is an oil ..."
  • wash stain stick in 2 answers "... and the single best stain remover I've ever used is the Spray-N-Wash stain stick."
  • spray hair spray in 2 answers "I know that this sounds crazy but spray hair spray on it and then blot with a dry ..."
  • shipped to your door in 2 answers "... the environment and can be bought at whlesale prices and shipped to your door ..."