how to plan your own business

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Results 131-140 from 10,725 articles

Kansas City Area Home Business Moms - Need Long Dist Phone Info

T.S. asks from Kansas City

Hello, T. from KCK.. I currently run a business from home where I make tons of calls and use Internet ALOT. I am using my cell phone at the moment but its gott...


Jewelry Business on Ebay and Website

S.R. asks from Phoenix

I just want to take an unofficial survey of how many people would buy jewelry either through a website or on ebay. I have a very narrow market niche. I have a websi...


I Need to Apply for a Business Loan...

R.D. asks from Phoenix

Does anyone have any experience, advice or direction they can offer me? I've never done this before and am starting to feel a little, a lot actually, overwhelmed!! T...


Starting a Small Business from Home

J.M. asks from Minneapolis

My husband and I are thinking of starting to sell a small item that we think is a great idea (we can easily do it at home with little cost), but we're just wondering ...


Looking for Ways to Get Home Business Start-up Money

S.T. asks from Provo

As I have been gathering together food storage and 72 hour kits for my family, I came up with what I think is a great idea for a home-based business. I am still work...


Snow Cone Business Names

B.M. asks from Miami

Im looking to start up a local snow cone stand that would attend local events, festivals and food truck gatherings. Im located in sunny South Florida! I just cant see...


Looking for Home Business Opportunity

S.D. asks from Los Angeles

Looking for something I can do from home .... have fun... and earn a little extra income on the side...


Super down About Husband's Business Trip

E.W. asks from New York

Hi ladies. So kind of a silly question, but my husband is in sales and left today for a sales meeting/conference in Las Vegas til Saturday. Fun for him I know :) For ...


Have You Seen "The Business of Being Born?"

M.M. asks from Miami

I just was curious as to how many women were very happy with their birth experience, if you gave birth in hospital or birthing center. I just saw the Ricki Lake prod...

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Answer Highlights

  • miami maternity center in 2 answers "... if/when we have a 3rd I already know I will be going to Miami Maternity Center ..."
  • hollywood birth center in 2 answers "... from the most awesome birth center on the planet, the Hollywood Birth Center ..."
  • free long distance in 3 answers "We even got free long distance on our home line, just by asking for it!! Everest ..."
  • babys heart rate in 2 answers "Then stopped all together. The baby's heart rate went down."
  • small business loan in 2 answers "... etc - and go to your bank or credit union to apply for a small business loan."