how to plan your money

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Results 71-80 from 20,981 articles

Money for Retirement Account

O.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, just wondering what a reasonable amount of money is to put into one's retirement account? What type of account do you put it in?


Money Saving Tips

J.S. asks from Phoenix

I've been trying to find additional ways to save money. Anyone have good any ideas or have a cool site I should check out. Thanks.


Looking for Ways to save Money

N.K. asks from San Francisco

Hi Moms, In this crazy economic environment, what are some things you are doing to save money on groceries, clothes, gas, etc. Please share.


Minnesota Savings 529 Plan for Your Child?

L.Y. asks from Minneapolis

My daughter is only two, but I figured it will be a good idea to put some money away for her education. I have been researching online and talking to other moms at wo...


How Do You save Money at the Store?

K.S. asks from Denver

I'm so over spending a small fortune at the grocery store. I do clip coupons, compare brands, and try to buy what's on sale. But my question is this- I know some of y...


If My Husband Is the Breadwinner Does That Mean It's His Money?

K.F. asks from Grand Rapids

We have been married for 3 years and have two children ages 2 & 1. We are 11 years apart, I'm 22 and he's 33. I had always thought our being married meant we were a t...


Money Saving Tips

K.S. asks from Savannah

I was curious if anyone had any money saving tips they practice to help with budget. For example since becoming a stay at home mom I've frequently shopped at stores s...


What's Everyone Doing to save Money

W.W. asks from San Francisco

I'm wondering what everyone's doing to save money. Tips on going grocery shopping, what are you cutting back on. I want to see if how else I would be able to save m...


I Need to Make money....Laid Off

F.C. asks from Dallas

I am a single mom and I will be having a garage sale to make extra money does anyone have any other ideas.... on how to make extra money other than this I ...


Buying Birthday Gifts with His Money

N.S. asks from Chicago

We are a one-income family because I lost my job and my husband agreed to take over making the money and I agreed to stay home with the child. How do you work birt...

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Answer Highlights

  • use our cell phone in 2 answers "9 cents a minute or use our cell phone after 7 and on weekends -we created a budget ..."
  • husband is the sole breadwinner in 2 answers "My husband is the sole breadwinner in our family."
  • roth ira in 2 answers "... with a 401-K plan if your employer offers one, if not, then go with a Roth IRA ..."
  • never pay full price in 2 answers "... I use reguraly, I stockpile enough for about 3 months. I never pay full price ..."
  • use dryer sheets in 3 answers "I don't use dryer sheets either, plus they have harmful chemicals in them that are ..."