how to get a d ointment out of hair

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The Age Old Potty Training Question with a Twist

C.W. asks from Roanoke

Hi All, My daughter just turned 2. For the past 6 months she has gotten extreme diaper rashes that nothing helps. The doctors want her out of diapers of any kind. At ...


What Is the Best Way to Treat/control Eczema in a 3 Month Old?

D.C. asks from Fresno

My 3 month old son was diagnosed with eczema. Does anyone know the best ways to keep it under control. We went to the doctor today and got a prescription for an ora...


Need Advice to Treat Skin Execma

E.B. asks from Kansas City

My son started getting rashes on his skin around 3 months. I've taken him to the doctor twice. The first time they told me it was execma and to put lotion on him to...


Is Anyone Elses Babies Doing This?! Should I Be Worried??

K.E. asks from Dallas

My daughter is about 6 1/2 months, and she is constantly pulling her hair (the little hair that she has) and pulling on her ears and leaving scratches on the back of ...


6 Year Old Girl - Sensitive Skin/sensitive Area

M.S. asks from San Francisco

My daughter is 6 years old, and gets a bath pretty much every night. Off and on she complains of it stinging "down there" and it's sometimes very painful when she ur...


How to dry up a ringworm in a toddler's mouth?

M.C. asks from Tuscaloosa

if anyone knows anything to dry up a ringworm it would help my daughter,,she sucks her hair and now has a ringworm onn her mouth,,is there anything i can get over the...



D.C. asks from Los Angeles

sooooo...this is sooooo embarassing. my 5 year old got head lice at school. we battled it, shaved his head and won. then my 2 year old got we sh...


4 Year Old Potty Trained W/diaper Rash????

S.X. asks from Chicago

My son has allergies and sensitve skin. He has gotten some pretty nastey diaper rashes in the past. He's been potty trained for almost 2 years. But frequently he c...


Bad Diaper Rash! HELP!!!

E.P. asks from Houston

The only thing that used to work good was petroleum jelly, but it has been a week and it hasn't clear up! She has been a little congested and teething, does that hav...


Need Advice on Severe Cradle Cap

C.L. asks from Chicago

My son was born about 4 months ago with a FULL head of beautiful hair. For the past month, he has been developing a severe case of cradle cap - large scaly white/yell...

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