how tall will child be

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How Long Will Kids Stay in a 5 Point Harness?

M.K. asks from Minneapolis

I'm looking to buy a new seat for my 30lb. two-year-old. We currently have a Britax Roundabout with a weight limit of 40 lbs., which we love but need to pass on to ...


Stroller for Older Child

N.G. asks from New York

Hi everyone, Does anyone have any suggestions for a good stroller for an older child (6-7 yrs old)? I travel often with my son and found that using a stroller helps...


Help! 20 Month Old Will Not Eat ANY Veggies!

L.B. asks from Indianapolis

Hello, My question is more of a plea for support or to get advise from moms in the same situation. My daughter is 20 months and is such a picky eater that I worry...


9 1/2 Will Not Eat the Stage 3 Foods

J.S. asks from Austin

My daughter is in the bottom 5% of her weight and she was doing great with her eating habits until we moved her to stage 3 foods. She was eating 5 jars of stage 2 fo...


Seeking Advice on When 4.5 Mo Old Will Sleep Through the Night

H.C. asks from Sacramento

I have an easy beautiful baby boy whom is just about 4 1/2 month old. He has an older brother whom is 3.5 years old. I breast fed both, still exclusively with number...


How to Discipline/teach a Strong Will, Stubborn, and Persistent 24Month Old?

J.R. asks from Stockton

I have three sons (8, 4, and one month shy of 2) and my 2 year old is the toughest to discipline. He is a hitter, biter, and a thrower and picks on my 4yr old the mos...


Backpack Child Carriers

A.B. asks from Boise

I'm researching backpack child carriers and wondered what brand everyone out there likes the best. I need one that is sturdy enough to carry a child weighing 25 to 40...


Seeking Help with Diabetic Child

M.P. asks from San Francisco

I have a 9 year old diabetic (type 1) autistic child who gets into cubards and refridgerater late at night between 3-5 am when she sees her blood sugar is low 80-90's...


My 2 Year Old Daughter Will Not Gain Weight

K.H. asks from Chicago

I have a daughter who just turned 2 a week ago. She is only 21 pounds and has not gained weight since last year. She is on the 7th percentile and her doctor said that...


Which Stroller Will Work Best for a 19 Month Old and Newborn?

S.G. asks from Los Angeles

I was wondering if any other moms who have had two children close in age could give me a suggestion on which stroller worked best for them. I have the opportunity to...

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