heart palpitations pregnancy

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Results 21-30 from 96 articles

Difficult Pregnancy and Still Have More?

S.J. asks from St. Louis

Did any of you moms have a very difficult pregnancy and/or delivery and still go on to have more children (or a child)? Obviously being pregnant itself is difficult!...


Health Problems and Pregnancy

T.S. asks from Fort Smith

This is my second preganancy and I know they said things would be totally different but I have had some problems that I am not sure if they are related to the pregnan...


Lump Sensation in Throat During Pregnancy

F.H. asks from Sharon

This is my fifth pregnancy and I have this lump feeling in the base of my throat and I can feel part of the sensation spreading to my upper chest. If I gently press o...


Ok So Is It Just Me or Can Anyone Else Share Rough Pregnancy stories..PLEASE!!!!

K.F. asks from New York

Til this day, (currently 6 months pregnant) i havent had such a pleasant ride with being pregnant. I feel this to such a point where i think im just being such a bab...


Advice for How to Deal with Anxiety During Pregnancy Without Meds

T.F. asks from Billings

This pregnancy has been harder for me than my other ones. A couple of months ago, I felt faint in a large store and ended up in the ER all afternoon with them runnin...


Breathing Problems Early on in Pregnancy

J.S. asks from New York

Hi Mommies, I am 5 weeks pregnant (hooray!). All was going fine until a few days ago when I began to have trouble breathing. Not gasping for air per say, but a fee...


Anyone Have Dizziness, Nervousness, Sweating After Pregnancy?

N.K. asks from Los Angeles

I had a baby 10 weeks ago and I've recently been feeling very off. I get dizzy easily, sometimes feel faint, get sweaty and anxious often and feel just plain weird. ...


Severe Anxiety

K.F. asks from New York

has anyone experienced rapid heart palpitations, feelings of anxiety, feelings of everything bad can happen to you, just plain negative thinking? About a 2 weeks ago...


Suggestions to Combat Fatigue

R.S. asks from Chicago

Hello moms, I'm 36 with one baby. I still nurse our super active 14 month old about 3 to 4 times a day and take prenatals. I try to eat as healthy as possible but ...


Experience with Hyperthyroidism?

B.S. asks from San Francisco

Hello mamas. I had a blood test a few weeks ago showing an overactive thyroid, but I'm still in referral limbo with my HMO and getting impatient for some help and inf...

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  • mitral valve prolapse in 2 answers "It scared me because I have mitral valve prolapse."
  • via emergency c section in 2 answers "... of membranes, premature labor, premature delivery via emergency c-section ..."
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