have a boy

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South Bay- Torrance Need Ideas for 7Th Boy's Birthday Party

Since you have a boy that is into sports make it easy on yourself and throw and ESPN sports party at a local park. Do a basketball and flag football ...

Feeling Sad About Having Another Boy...

So many times we have dreams that don't come true and we have to learn how to redirect the focus. I wanted to have one boy and one girl. ...

How Do You Cure a Boy Yeast Infection?

How Do You Cure a Boy Yeast Infection? My son is 2 and he has a terrible penile yeast infection. I have been treating it with Lotrimin AF Ultra per my ...

Help! This Is Really Strange I Didn't Know Where Else to Ak This

I have a boy who just turned 4 years old in april I stopped breastfeeding him 2 12 years ago I still produce some amount of milk I think it has to do with a ...

Seeking Gift Ideas for Boy with Broken Arm

I am looking for good gift ideas for a 6 year old boy who broke his arm. ... I would suggest a good book, maybe one where you have to find things hidden in ...

Frustrated 4 Year Old Boy

Read all 7 responses: "I have a 4 year old boy who gets frustrated easily. He tries once and if he can't do it he throws it down on the ground and grunts or ...

2 1/2 Year Old Boy with UTI?

I just think he is a boy having fun. I think maybe you should just try bringing him to the potty more. He could have a weak bladder. ...

I'm Potty Training an Autistic Boy

I have learned that when they are ready it will be easier. In the last two weeks everything has clicked and he is wearing big boy underwear and going to the ...

Trying to Get Pregnant - Ovulation Kit Results

I don't know if it works or not, but the person who lent it to me believed it did as she had 2 kids, and tried to "time it" so she'd have a boy and she did. ...

Gender Selection

I have a boy and a girl and didn't really care about the child's gender, so take this with a grain of salt. And I do not mean at all to criticize, ...
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