Happy Eating

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Results 61-70 from 21,453 articles

3 Week Old Baby Never Seems Happy

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

I have a daughter that is 3 weeks old (1st kid) and she seems to always be unhappy and crys all the time. I make sure she's fed, changed, sing to her, walk around, an...


Teaching Healthy Eating Habits

C.M. asks from Cincinnati

My husband and I are not the best role models, but we have been working on eating healthier. I also want to start teaching my almost 3 year old about healthy eating....


Baby Not eating..teething...

A.J. asks from Los Angeles

HI. For the past 2 days, my 9 month old has had a slight fever and is not eating much. She is acting totally fine; playing, sleeping normally and happy. However, s...


Eating After Gallbladder Surgery

N.S. asks from Columbus

I just had gallbladder surgery a few days ago and am still recovering at home. I have been trying to find websites that can tell me more about eating after gallbladde...


Questions for Other Moms Following "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child"

V.S. asks from Gainesville

Hi, I've been following the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child since my son was about 6 months old. Although he was never a terrible sleeper, the book helped A LO...


Not Eating as Much as He Used To

C.B. asks from Seattle

This may be nothing to worry about, but I am just curious...but my son, Logan usually eats 7-8ozs of formuala every 3.5-4 hours a day. But yesterday and it seems tod...


How Much Should My Son Be Eating??? and Why Is He Waking up When He Was Not????

B.S. asks from Sarasota

My son is 14 weeks old and was eating 6oz every 4 hours and would go to bed at 10pm and sleep untill 6-7am for weeks was wonderful, I thought we had a shedule going. ...


Eating Normally like Before I Was Pregnant!?

J.M. asks from Los Angeles

Im 4 months pregnant and just found out and i been eating normally like when i was not pregnant.Can this affect my baby in any way? I eat 2 times a day i never eat br...


Eating Issues with 9Yo Boy

P.F. asks from Chicago

MY son has had weight issues (in his head) since he was very young. He'll say he is too fat or too skinny. When he was really little he would hide to eat marshmallows...


Constantly Eating Newborn

K.N. asks from Boston

my son is 2 1/2 months old and is constantly eating every 2-3 hours. is this normal and should i introduce cereal this early in his bottle. he eats 4-6 ounces at a fe...

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