goat's milk

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Goat's Milk Is Disgusting! Should I Give up on Her Ever Drinking Any Milk?

L.L. asks from Rochester

So, we finally tried goat's milk as a last resort for our daughter, who can't do cow dairy and WON'T drink soy, rice, coconut, almond, etc. She's 15 months old, and ...


Milk (Cow's or Goat's) vs Formula for a 1 Year Old

G.G. asks from Los Angeles

I have exclusively breastfed my 1 year old, but now my milk is starting to slow down & I think we are going to have to supplement soon. Any advice on cow's milk vs g...


Anyone Substitute Goat's Milk Yogurt for Babies First Yogurt?

S.W. asks from New York

My daughter is 7 months old and my husband and I are considering adding yogurt to her diet soon. But, we are hesistant about introducing anything with cow's milk due ...


Mixing Formula with Goat's Milk for My 9-Week Old

N.M. asks from Los Angeles

Okay people...RELAX!!!! I was breastfeeding. My son had a bad latch that was causing incredible amounts of air to be swallowed. It was suggested that I just pump b...


Making Goat Milk Better?

G.Y. asks from Phoenix

I am in the SLOW process of trying to ween my son from breast milk. He has an allergy to cows milk, and it was suggested that I give him goats milk. The problem is ...


Goat Milk or Soy Milk or Rice Milk???

L.S. asks from Minneapolis

My daughter has suffered from GERD most of her little life. With medication and time we were finally able to contain the symptoms and ease her pain. As a result she c...


Fenugreek, Goat's Rue and Peanut Allergy- Increasing Milk Supply

S.Y. asks from Los Angeles

I have a very severe allergy to Peanuts and other legumes such as chickpeas cause milder reactions such as hives and itchy mouth/throat. I am currently in need of in...


Question About Milk vs Goat Milk

S.P. asks from Minneapolis

I am looking for some advice on switching to raw milk or goats milk. My daughter is 1 and I have been doing some research and wants to know what other moms are do. I ...


Raw Cows Milk vs Raw Goat Milk vs Organic Pasturized Cow Milk

L.M. asks from Tyler

It's time for my son to switch from formula to either raw cow milk, raw goat milk, or pasturized organic cow milk. Does anyone have any reliable information about th...


Goat's Milk Formula from Dr Sears

G.T. asks from Boston

Has anyone used this? I have a 7 mos old with reflux, eczema and food allergies. She is not an efficient nurser and my supply is running low and need to supplement. ...

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