give baby water

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Obsessed with Water!

C.K. asks from Fresno

For the last id say 6 months or so, my 3 year old has been OBSESSED with playing with the water in the house, the sink, taking the water out of her cup all over her t...


Water Treatment?

J.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi all, We were just given a sales pitch for a water treatment system from PureTech Water Systems (aka LeFay). The things we were told about our water makes it a ...


Gripe Water

E.M. asks from Harrisburg

Has anyone heard of or tried gripe water? I know some people use it on their colicky baby, or if they have bad gas, burps or hiccups, but I don't know much about it ...


Gripe Water

M.W. asks from Chicago

Mr daughter is incredibly gassy, has anyone tried Gripe water for tummy issues with any luck?


Water Breaking

A.S. asks from Lubbock

My mother-in-law recently told me that if your water breaks not to stand up because the baby can get the cord around its neck.Is this true or not.I am just wondering ...


How Much Water to Give a 10 1/2 Month Old Baby Boy

M.Y. asks from Los Angeles

It's been really hot this past week and I've been trying to get my 10 1/2 month old son to drink more water and he hates it. He won't drink it unless he is super supe...


Gripe Water

T.F. asks from Dallas

Do any of you know the major differenes between differnt gripe water formulas or are they basicly all the same? A friend of mine said her friend swears by them and I...


Gripe Water...?

C.W. asks from Austin

I want to try gripe water for my baby, but when do I give it to her? During her meal or while she is having gas pains...either or? the directions only say that she ca...


Water for Babies?!?!

C.K. asks from New York

My girl is 7 months old & starting (slowly) to eat solids. When should I start giving her water? She hasn't been constipated yet & I don't know if that plays a part...

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