gestational diabetes diet

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Results 61-70 from 608 articles

Failed Gestational Diabetes Screening

L.W. asks from Kansas City

I took my 1-hour gestational diabetes screening test and was elevated with a 154, and told that I would need to take the 3-hour glucose tolerance test. I'm very worr...


Help with Gestational Diabetes

M.B. asks from Eugene

I am pregnant with my 3rd child and I have Gestational Diabetes. I had GD with my second pregnancy and everything seems to go off without a hitch. I was able to contr...


Question for Those Who've Had Gestational Diabetes

M.W. asks from Dallas

I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes a few weeks ago & have had pretty normal numbers until last week, following the limited carb diet I was given. At my OB appt...


Dealing with Gestational Diabetes

J.D. asks from Pueblo

Hiya! My doctor diagnosed me a month or so ago with gestational diabetes, and well I'm wondering if anyone is going through what I am going through. My dr put me on...


Help Gestational Diabetes

R.M. asks from Pine Bluff

Does anyone use a glucose sugar tester for gestational diabetes? I failed my glucose test today and so I now have to check my sugar 4 times daily. When I got to the d...


Gestational Diabetes Help

K.G. asks from Boston

I was recently diagnosed with gestational diabetes with my third child. So far, I have been following the diet religiously. A few problems... 1. my ketones are at...


Advice About Gestational Diabetes

L.S. asks from Omaha

Hi Moms. I posted last week about failing my glucose screening, and now Monday I learned that I also failed the GTT and therefore, have gestational diabetes. I've rea...


Gestational Diabetes Diet Ideas

L.K. asks from Detroit

I found out yesterday that I have GD. I'm 30 weeks and leaving to go out of town this evening. I can't get in to see dietician until late next week. I seem to be find...


Gestational Diabetes

J.B. asks from Los Angeles

Even before I took my routine test, I had some suspicions that I might be affected by gestational diabetes . . . my husband was diagnosed 4 years ago with SEVERE diab...



I.S. asks from Los Angeles

Well, after a very rough pregnancy (gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia) in which I gained A LOT of weight, I have managed to get down to my starting weight (or cl...

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