fungus infection

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3 Year Old, Peeling Toes

However, when my daughter had peeling skin on her feet, it turned out to be a fungal infection. We thought it was just dry skin and the home treatments we ...

Horrible Diaper Rash

Jul 15, 2009 ... If it is raised red bumps then it's probably a yeast or fungal infection. Take him in and get a prescription. I know others have suggested ...

Curious About Odor from Ear --- Ear Infection??

she may have some external otitis--infection in the ear canal usually from a yeast or fungus. if there is discharge that looks like cottage cheese than it ...

My C-section Incision Has an Odor

It could be a yeast infection or fungus. They both like moist areas to grow in, like the fold in your stomache after a baby. Try using an over the counter ...

Diaper Rash Advice

I'd suggest taking your little guy to the doctor's and make sure it's not a fungal or yeast infection. Those are the type of infections that can last for ...

Diaper Rash?

Try an anti-fungal ointment. Babies can get a fungus infection, like atheletes foot, on their bottoms. Regular diaper rash treatments don't work on this. ...

Ear Infection Relief

My 14 month old son is suffering from his 3rd ear infection this year. .... will lead to a depressed immunity by letting fungus and yeast grow in the body. ...

How to Deal with Son Who May Have ADHD

... overload in both I felt due to Candida a fungal infection that releases a ... or mycoplasma It can bud and striate just like a fungus It buries itself ...

Diaper Rash! What Do You Do When Desitin Doesn't Work?

He may have a fungal infection diaper rash. My son had this once when he wore diapers. We had to get a prescription ointment from the Dr. May want to have ...

Diaper Rash

Call your pediatrician - it may not be diaper rash but a vaginal fungus or infection....which is easily treatable w/ Lotrimin. Helpful? ...
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