friend's mom stories

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Disaster Thanksgiving Dinner Stories

K.M. asks from San Francisco

My godmother can't even hear the word 'turkey' without telling the story of the disastrous meal that she prepared one Thanksgiving. When they went to carve it, the tu...


Stories About Invitro and Single Parenting

S.S. asks from Syracuse

My sister has been unable to find a partner and has decided to have a child on her own. I want to support her 100% percent, but I am struggling to come to terms with ...


Looking to Hear Your Stories

E.D. asks from Seattle

Good Evening, I'd like to hear your stories about your own emotional/physical/mental/spiritual rebirth and/or metamorphosis. ((Rebirth: The action of reappeari...


Looking for Stories from Those of You Who Have Breastfed a Toddler

J.F. asks from New York

I am currently still very happily nursing my 18 month old - mostly morning, night time and nap, with occasional check ins when i have been away, for boo boos etc. he ...


JFF - First Date Stories

S.R. asks from El Paso

What was your first date with your husband/SO like? :) My story: DH and I went to a AAA baseball game for our first date. There was a restaurant near the ballpa...


Imaginary Friend Anyone?

C.S. asks from Las Vegas

My husband just shared with me that our 3 YO has an imaginary friend who apparently likes to sit on the back of the car and play in the rocks. He was holding our lit...


Weekend Away with a Friend

L.P. asks from Indianapolis

My 10 year old son was asked to go to his friend's lake house for his friend's birthday. They would leave Friday and get back Saturday evening. I will admit I have ...


Ok So Is It Just Me or Can Anyone Else Share Rough Pregnancy stories..PLEASE!!!!

K.F. asks from New York

Til this day, (currently 6 months pregnant) i havent had such a pleasant ride with being pregnant. I feel this to such a point where i think im just being such a bab...


Friend Using My Insights on Her Blog

M.R. asks from Phoenix

I have spent a lot of time with a friend who maintains a popular blog about parenting. She's a very skilled writer. She just forwarded the last several stories to ...


My Friend's Dad Passed Away :(

C.R. asks from Kansas City

My friend's dad passed away very unexpectantly on Friday. We have been friends for 25 years now, and I really want to do something for her mom. My problem is I live i...

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